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Live Stream being hacked

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Proof Simon? You calling all Singaporeans hackers?

You accuse my guys of hacking. Give a solid proof. Wum was teleported on your server by hacker as well.

Apparently, you guys talk a lot, no proof and want to accuse us? Simply because we rape your team too often? Bring it on.

You want to be a idiot want to put up a live stream and don't expect any hackers to come disturb you? We came onto your server to raid and everyone was killed by hacker on your server.

Well done, being an admin who only blindly accuse without proof. It's so blatant you got an agenda against us just simply we rape your team and killed you, all Singaporeans = hackers?

Well done to your excellent accusation. And your course of action is to come the forum, accuse and complain? How about taking some actions to read your server logs for some proof instead? Oops, apparently you can't given your intelligence cause any time you get hacked, it's Singaporeans. Fantastic!

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Proof Simon? You calling all Singaporeans hackers?

You accuse my guys of hacking. Give a solid proof. Wum was teleported on your server by hacker as well.

Apparently, you guys talk a lot, no proof and want to accuse us? Simply because we rape your team too often? Bring it on.

You want to be a idiot want to put up a live stream and don't expect any hackers to come disturb you? We came onto your server to raid and everyone was killed by hacker on your server.

Well done, being an admin who only blindly accuse without proof. It's so blatant you got an agenda against us just simply we rape your team and killed you, all Singaporeans = hackers?

Well done to your excellent accusation. And your course of action is to come the forum, accuse and complain? How about taking some actions to read your server logs for some proof instead? Oops, apparently you can't given your intelligence cause any time you get hacked, it's Singaporeans. Fantastic!

Every hacking business only comes up when your EDMW members joined our server(P.S., not ALL SG people, just your lovely EDMW),

If you said it have no business with your clan, so you better asking yourself, which hackers did you guys pissed off before.

Even the last post about reporting your locked server, your dayz.asia forum post showed so much angry about me.

It is a really good Motivation to point it out

Of coz, currently stats there's is no way to stop such hacking / proves to show that it is your EDMW fault

However, my HKG members is so excited about all these special events when we saw the GUID of EDMW members joining the server

Edited by xksimon
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Sorry i tried to watch, but the language is gibberish.

you could mute the voice, lol you still have a lot of fun about the hacking events on my server, too.

I will upload the movie to youtube later as well, as i am both Recording / Streaming at the same time

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Every hacking business only comes up when your EDMW members joined our server(P.S., not ALL SG people, just your lovely EDMW),

If you said it have no business with your clan, so you better asking yourself, which hackers did you guys pissed off before.

Why don't you wonder who did you pissed off that your server get hacked so often? The best part, you do nothing about hackers on your server. Cause you are a righteous person who follow the TOS rigidly right?

Even the last post about reporting your locked server, your dayz.asia forum post showed so much angry about me.

It is a really good Motivation to point it out

Anger you mean? Nevermind the English lesson. One, stop being so judgmental over the internet. Usage of language is subjective and does not reflect my anger. I just happen to get addicted to scolding sore losers, which is really fun. That's all. I didn't know you can actually tell the mood of anyone over the internet. Do tell me how you acquire this superpower because I so darn admire your talent.

Of coz, currently stats there's is no way to stop such hacking / proves to show that it is your EDMW fault

However, my HKG members is so excited about all these special events when we saw the GUID of EDMW members joining the server

Sure, keep being excited. So, if there is no proof, stop accusing us or anyone for the matter. I believe one is innocent till proven otherwise. Unless the law of your country is the reverse. Just because you got killed, learn to accept your death gracefully. However, I can understand if a sore loser can never accept it and always blame others for their lost.

As proven, anything happens, you do nothing to protect your community, you only know how to be a internet hero, type type type. Keep doing this. It really achieve something by accusing another community who just happens to own your team. Lastly, I said before, we are not a clan to begin with. Apparently, you can't understand this simple statement as well. Goes to show.

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I never said my english is good, please enjoy my Dota2 stream from now on.

Ah by the way, keep the hacking plz, if that make you guys feel happy.

You could treat me like a jackass, Yes I did pissed off EDMW servers, so?

Please don't treat Rocket and other people in this world are all idiots, thank you :D

Edited by xksimon

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I never said my english is good, please enjoy my Dota2 stream from now on.

Ah by the way, keep the hacking plz, if that make you guys feel happy.

You could treat me like a jackass, Yes I did pissed off EDMW servers, so?

Please don't treat Rocket and other people in this world are all idiots, thank you :D

Sure, assume we hack your server ya? Excuses never run out when you suck bad, don't they?

Funny that you need to pull other people into your justification.

No one treat you like a jackass, more like a dumbass.

No one's pissed off with you, we're just having a good laugh at your silliness, childish sore loser behaviour. It was full of LOL at your livestream. Thanks for being such a comedy relief for us all.

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Not sure what this fuss is about...

This was roughly what happened last night..

i got thunderdomed in simon's server last night.. lost my range finder n gps n dmr :(

watched a video on thunderdome... so i promptly ran to the ammo crates n grabbed an FN FAL before proceeding to massacre every1 there...

then i blew myself up with a satchel charge lol..

after that, i respawned... found myself in drakon.... so i ran into elektro.. and found a M1911 with some ammo.

then as i moved in... i saw 2 guys chased by zeds... followed them and helped them clear the zeds before getting killed by someone from behind with a hatchet i suppose...

respawned again... found myself in elektro this time... ran into elektro... picked up an empty lee-enfield... before finding myself surrounded by 4 hatchet wielding guys and 1 revolver guy... they were chasing me so i kept running... while chasing me... i kept hearing weird accented chants of "hei-ker hei-ker" which i presumed to mean hacker... chase ended after 15mins due to me bleeding out...

finally respawned again.. this time in prigorodky... ran towards elektro again... since thats where all the action are lol...

this time i picked up a remington with 3 mags of slugs... proceeded to massacre 2 AKM wielding guys and 1 revolver weilding guy and 1 hatchet wielding guy... yeah.. they were the very same group that chased me over 15mins earlier... but i bled too much and fainted with a group of zeds eating me lol...

was really fun LOL... but seriously... 2 AKMs 1 hatchet and 1 revolver... vs 1 remington.... and i believe i killed at least 3 of u.. while seriously injuring the 4th... before dying.... im sure i could well take out all 4 of you with no problems if i had pellets instead of just slugs.... it wasn't luck that i took out so many of u.. i always made sure it was a 1v1 situation and was always at a position where i can fire and run into cover before you could stop and aim your weapon... making good use of the corners...

not sure why i kept getting called a hacker tho... <_<

my guess is... tactics is probably not u guys' forte... and my military training actually came into use here...

yeah.. just FYI: 90% of Singaporean males are military trained in one way or another.

terms like "tactical movement"... and methods of calling out and identifying targets from a distance are prolly foreign to u.

guess im not surprised why im called hacker lol...

actually... i should be flattered to be called a hacker by ur guys when im not.... am i really that good? :lol:

yeah thx for the epeen boost :thumbsup:

Edited by WuM
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This is really pathetic...

I can see that you don't even know how to use your admin panel to ban people...but isn't banning people illegal? why are you declaring to the world that you gonna ban people and telling the dayz community that you are about to violate the TOS?

I can see that you getting friendly fired while fighting the zombies and doing a air-slashes at the zombie

I can see that your server got hacker(s) but there is no supporting document or evidence to identify the hacker, instead just assumption, if assumption is enough then why do we need judge and police to investigate? are you trying to stir something as all your threads are about the same things, same people...

other small things i see are u wasting time doing....i dunno wat u doing

btw, if u intend to post something, please at least have some courtesy to post only dayz related video and not a long video with part of it playing dota2, why the hell we want to see you playing dota2 in dayz forums?

as far as i can see...there is nothing interesting on the video

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Not sure what this fuss is about...

This was roughly what happened last night..

i got thunderdomed in simon's server last night.. lost my range finder n gps n dmr :(

watched a video on thunderdome... so i promptly ran to the ammo crates n grabbed an FN FAL before proceeding to massacre every1 there...

then i blew myself up with a satchel charge lol..

after that, i respawned... found myself in drakon.... so i ran into elektro.. and found a M1911 with some ammo.

then as i moved in... i saw 2 guys chased by zeds... followed them and helped them clear the zeds before getting killed by someone from behind with a hatchet i suppose...

respawned again... found myself in elektro this time... ran into elektro... picked up an empty lee-enfield... before finding myself surrounded by 4 hatchet wielding guys and 1 revolver guy... they were chasing me so i kept running... while chasing me... i kept hearing weird accented chants of "hei-ker hei-ker" which i presumed to mean hacker... chase ended after 15mins due to me bleeding out...

finally respawned again.. this time in prigorodky... ran towards elektro again... since thats where all the action are lol...

this time i picked up a remington with 3 mags of slugs... proceeded to massacre 2 AKM wielding guys and 1 revolver weilding guy and 1 hatchet wielding guy... yeah.. they were the very same group that chased me over 15mins earlier... but i bled too much and fainted with a group of zeds eating me lol...

was really fun LOL... but seriously... 2 AKMs 1 hatchet and 1 revolver... vs 1 remington.... and i believe i killed at least 3 of u.. while seriously injuring the 4th... before dying.... im sure i could well take out all 4 of you with no problems if i had pellets instead of just slugs.... it wasn't luck that i took out so many of u.. i always made sure it was a 1v1 situation and was always at a position where i can fire and run into cover before you could stop and aim your weapon... making good use of the corners...

not sure why i kept getting called a hacker tho... <_<

my guess is... tactics is probably not u guys' forte... and my military training actually came into use here...

yeah.. just FYI: 90% of Singaporean males are military trained in one way or another.

terms like "tactical movement"... and methods of calling out and identifying targets from a distance are prolly foreign to u.

guess im not surprised why im called hacker lol...

actually... i should be flattered to be called a hacker by ur guys when im not.... am i really that good? :lol:

yeah thx for the epeen boost :thumbsup:

The reason that my clan members calling you as a hacker is only simple reason.

Most of the hacked moments - you are the only one who got the gun and killing around.

But for me, being a admin. I knew there's some bypass and VIP script which would hiding all the information of a hacking

(including, logging logs like GUID and Player ID, not even showing up in online player list, all he needs to do is pick a empty slot out of 100 - which is freaking simple, and of coz the VIP scripts that he is using.)

Making a bypass and script runners is not hack for everyone - I mean, if you learnt Computer language about 2 years, you could handle it already with a bit of researching.

And why we claim that EDMW is the hacker jackass clan? Simple again.

-My server was only hacked around GMT+8 morning before, and you guys only joining my server when it is night.

-The "night" hacking only appeared when you guys lose the raid of the first time - at that point you guys were 2:1.

-After we raped your team, Nuke and bombing is follow up only around 5-10mins, and oh yes, you guys were full-geared again in the same time.

-Seriously, I though i was playijng Take on Heli-hacker, I saw 5 Choppers are flying around in the same city and area. WOW!

-And the shits comes up again when you EDMW joining our server EVERYTIME.

Yes, you should happy about that currently Battleye is suck to countering/logging your data.

However, at least, I won't being a childish funny-lol guy who messing around with the 1 click GG programming.

Pretty sure you guys suck-ball a lot in Arma 2 OA with Ace and ACRE mod. well done man, keep on the hacking.

Hong Kong people never give up, bring it on :beans:

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The reason that my clan members calling you as a hacker is only simple reason.

Most of the hacked moments - you are the only one who got the gun and killing around.

But for me, being a admin. I knew there's some bypass and VIP script which would hiding all the information of a hacking

(including, logging logs like GUID and Player ID, not even showing up in online player list, all he needs to do is pick a empty slot out of 100 - which is freaking simple, and of coz the VIP scripts that he is using.)

Making a bypass and script runners is not hack for everyone - I mean, if you learnt Computer language about 2 years, you could handle it already with a bit of researching.

And why we claim that EDMW is the hacker jackass clan? Simple again.

-My server was only hacked around GMT+8 morning before, and you guys only joining my server when it is night.

-The "night" hacking only appeared when you guys lose the raid of the first time - at that point you guys were 2:1.

-After we raped your team, Nuke and bombing is follow up only around 5-10mins, and oh yes, you guys were full-geared again in the same time.

-Seriously, I though i was playijng Take on Heli-hacker, I saw 5 Choppers are flying around in the same city and area. WOW!

-And the shits comes up again when you EDMW joining our server EVERYTIME.

Yes, you should happy about that currently Battleye is suck to countering/logging your data.

However, at least, I won't being a childish funny-lol guy who messing around with the 1 click GG programming.

Pretty sure you guys suck-ball a lot in Arma 2 OA with Ace and ACRE mod. well done man, keep on the hacking.

Hong Kong people never give up, bring it on :beans:

whatever... no use playing guitar to a cow...

i'd be happier if they fixed battleye. 90% of my deaths are caused by hacks. 5% by bugs. and 4% by actual players. and 1% by zombies.

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