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Norway 9: Immortality, regenerating vehicle and item hack

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Me and a friend were coming back to fix the helicopter on the island when we became aware that there were someone sitting in the helicopter.

The helicopter was suddenly all fixed.

The guy inside was oblivious to our presence so we shot him in the head, several times with powerful guns(M107, L85).

He took it all with a smile. Eventually he returned and tried to take off. I dumped 10 rounds of M107 into the engine and him, which caused him to get out of the helicopter and then he shot my friend. I disconnected since he was obviously hacking. After 5 minutes I returned, only to hear the helicopter fly away.

We all know a helicopter is a burning and exploding wreck after having taken 10 M107 bullets with a shitton of L85 as topping.

The hacker was wearing standard outfit, with a zombie face.

I've seen this hack before in one of Sacriel's videos.


Don't have a video of my own as I don't have any capture software.

Pictures would've been unable to show what was happening.

So all I got is our testimony.

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Cheers mate, but I've been present since 1.4.

I know what DayZ is and that isn't it.

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You can have a zombie face (my character "Friendly Frank" has one, just go to the character selection menu, press edit and you can choose your character's race and appearance. I am although, leaning to your side as it is near impossible to fill a helicopter with fuel with only one person.

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I obviously know that the face isn't hacked, I was mentioning at the hope that it could lead to catching sir Hackerson.

Everything on the helicopter was red when we found it, then we ran to Three Valleys, Solichniy, the factory north of Solichniy and then back with the little we had found.

Helicopter was in pristine condition, every glass was fixed and everything was green.

Was unable to take back seat, only door gunner and crew chief.

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