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Looking for (a) partner(s) to team up with.

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Hello, I'm an experienced DayZ player, but since my partner is on vacation for 3 weeks right now, I'm looking for a new partner. I'm dutch, but can speak English well. I offcource preffer people from the Netherlands / Belgium, but Germany/UK is allright aswell, as long as you speak english and have skype + a good mic :) I'm at Devil's Castle at the moment (would be nice if you'd be in the area, but offcourse not needed) Have got an PP-19 and NVG's at the moment, so I am already geared up, could change soon though, since I'm alone. Also if you need it I've got an FN-FAL for you when we meet up. If you're interested add me on skype: stannetje177

Edited by naaiz

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Howdy, check out our community @ www.bsbnetwork.com

We're a stable community of mature online gamers, established in 2002. We dont have any age/skill/time requirements and only ask for fair play and common sense. We have our own TS3 server and have a good number of Day Z players already but we are in the process of setting up more organised fire and raid teams.

We have members from all over the world but predominantly see our guys from the UK, US, Holland, Belgium and Ireland playing. If you're interested go to our website for more details and get on our ts3 server to join up with our members.

Edited by Box

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I'm in Starry, read my profile and see what you think.

Name: Jamie

Age: 15

Country: UK

County/State: Essex

Playing Style: Providing overwatch, Sniper/Spotter

When I play: Currently on Summer holidays so AT LEAST 3-4 hours a day. (GMT Time)

Current DayZ gear:

Coyote Pack

M4A1 Holo w/Grenade Launcher, x6 magazines

FN Fal, x2 magazines.

PDW, x1 mag.

If your interested in teaming with me, either reply to this post or add me on Steam, JAMIEWILK0.


Voice isn't squeaky, just hasn't broken yet, inbetween. Not that really matters!

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Hey, het lijkt me wel wat om samen te spelen. Heb zelf aardig wat gear al.

Gear :

Alice pack

Revolver + 4x ammo

FN FAL + 4x ammo

4 Morphine

6 Bloodbags



Hunting knive



Welke server speel je?

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Zelf speel ik bij een grote Nederlandstalige multigaming clan (Double Dutch Clan) waar er regelmatig ARMA2 en DayZ wordt gespeeld.

Het niveau is zeer wisselend; van beginners tot mensen die ook aan het grotere werk meedoen.

Op het moment is er nog geen ARMA squad (wij hebben per game een eigen squad), maar er wordt op dit moment hard aan gewerkt.

Uiteraard worden er ook andere games gespeeld en ook daar is iedereen welkom.

Gezien wij tegen de 600 leden hebben, is er natuurlijk een eigen forum en TS server beschikbaar waar er altijd wel iemand online is.

Voor meer informatie mag je gerust een PM sturen, of gewoon even op onze website kijken (link staat in m'n signature).

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