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Need help playing DayZ with new copy!

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Okay so a few weeks ago i purchased Arma 2:CO so that i could play DayZ, and it worked fine. Well my friend who lives with me wanted to play it so i let him sign into my steam and download the game so he could play until he bought the game for himself. So last night he uninstalls the game (Arma 2:CO) and buys it using his own Steam account so we can finally play together because i guess since he was playing on the game that i had purchased we weren't able to play with each other or be in the same server. Well he purchased the game and re downloaded Six updater and launcher, but the game still wont let us join the same server and it's still showing that he's using my version of the game i:e same profiles and character once the game starts.

So is there a way to fix this problem so that he has his own registry for the game or are we screwed.

Heres what we've tried so far.

Uninstalled Six updater/Launcher - Re-installed.

Deleted all local game content, and re-downloaded.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Bromite

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You'll have to get him to perform the following actions to remove your CD Keys from his Windows Registry.

Simple but time consuming:

Uninstall ARMA2OA using a tool like Revo Uninstaller (free) to clean out any left over registry entries, then reinstall.

More complex but faster:

Delete the following registry key using RegEdit, and reinstall:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA

More info on messing with ARMA2OA Registry Keys and how to find them here and

. Edited by tomfin

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Thank you very much! One quick question though. I already uninstalled the game and am currently re-installing. Can i cancel the download and delete the registry then re-install, or do i have to wait for it to install then uninstall using the above method?

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Yup. You'll have to perform the uninstall or remove the key from the registry on his machine as he's the one using your CD key.

You don't need to cancel the download if you've already uninstalled on his machine. Use the regedit method to remove the ARMA2OA registry key before running the game for the first time from Steam, which should reinstall with the correct info.

Edit: If you want to be sure or have problems when installing, right-click and delete to remove the "Bohemia Interactive Studio" and "Bohemia Interactive" folders in RegEdit. That should clear it out for a fresh install.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio

Registry editor is arcane magic, but if you only operate on the Bohemia Interactive folders you should minimise the risk to your system.

Edited by tomfin
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I was posting the very same thing on my phone listen to this man has formated it better than i could :)

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Okay re-installing now thank you for the help, you just saved me hours of frustration. If you ever need anything in game just message me on here and i'll be happy to help.

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No problem. I'll watch the topic for a couple of days, if there are no more posts I'll assume you got it working. Happy trails!

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You'll have to get him to perform the following actions to remove your CD Keys from his Windows Registry.

Simple but time consuming:

Uninstall ARMA2OA using a tool like Revo Uninstaller (free) to clean out any left over registry entries, then reinstall.

More complex but faster:

Delete the following registry key using RegEdit, and reinstall:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA

More info on messing with ARMA2OA Registry Keys and how to find them here and


Do we uninstall everything or just the thing labeled, KEY.

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