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Waylander The Origional

Hunting Knife

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I'm not 100% sure but I don't think so. I've tried many times to use it as a weapon to kill animals..

I hope it will be possible in the future.

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What's the problem. You can put both in your tool belt.


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they do not take up

Its more weight, and less space. Which is bad.

Weight (afaik) is not a factor and those items go into toolbelt slots that does not effect your 12 generic slots or backpack space.

Edited by Femme Fatale

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Yes. But its one less tool I can carry.

What tool have you had to pass on that went in your toolbelt because you ran out of space? I could be wrong but believe there is room to have 1 of each tool for your toolbelt?

Also in all honesty what your really want is a axe its a awesome weapon and chops wood you will need eventually, combine that with your hunting knife and some matches and your one well fed survivor! :)

Edited by Femme Fatale
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i recommend using the hatchet, great damage and surprisingly high range (about 5-10m)

but don't forget to reload it first ;)

Edited by Humanhead
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I'm hoping eventually, sooner than later, a feature is added so if you walk up to an animal, you will have the scroll option to silently kill it, just a simple pull knife out, slash and put knife back animation would suffice, it sucks needing to use ammo to kill animals, potentially giving your position away, or dropping your primary to use the axe.

Either that, or add the feature that everyone wants, allow the axe to be equipped without taking up the primary slot, or let your primary be thrown on your back when holding the axe without taking up backpack space, it's so awkward switching to the axe to silently kill animals or zombies. Then with that <--- the Knife can go untouched.

However, even with that, the Hunting Knife should still be a weapon in my opinion, could even be a quick time slash weapon, click a button, slash animation, 2000 damage, but with very limited range. I can imagine people are sick of that though from CoD and other shooters.

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I also think the hunting knife should be able to be used as weapon, just to have ~something~ when you can't find a hatchet. And a knife that you can't use as a weapon really confuses.

To make it clear, at the moment the knife only is used to gut animals (Action Menu, after you killed it so you get raw meat in the inventory of the animal). And a hatchet, as said, is also useful for cutting some wood to make a fire and cook meat. I personally prefer this much over canned food, as it heals much better and you easily have a more or less secure income of it.

And if you ever get your toolbelt completely occupied: respect. I wonder if it is even possible. I think there aren't even more tools in DayZ than toolbelt slots, so that is your last worry for sure. Better be glad it doesn't occupy another valuable inventory slot!

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On the other side of this issue, it makes sense that you could take a good hunk out of a cow with an axe and throw it on the grill. Maybe it doesnt taste as good as a properly butterflied filet mignon, but it could get the job done. :lol:

I'm guessing that the weapon/item limitations of the engine make this a difficult, if not impossible, feature to add, though.

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