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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

[EFS] Recruiting. Well organized clan looking for more players.

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Hey guys how we all doing?

Im Derpy Hooves.. creator of the [EFS] Clan. Our group has been together for about a month now though we have all been playing DayZ for a good few months each.. We have a very well organized group consisting of three squads at the moment, with 10 dedicated members.

We wish to recruit new and experienced players to our squad based system therefore everyone gets a fair go at the game, there are no ranks or bitching, just good old fun gaming, but with military tactics..

We play UK servers the majority of the time due to extremely good connections and high FPS servers.

If you feel like your up for the challenge the [EFS] will offer feel free to add me on Skype "christhomas1988" or on Steam "thepadstar"

Together we can push the bandits back to the beaches and let the survivors reign!!

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Ok we are in the process of setting up a base camp near the north, a couple of vehicles have been aquired. if anyone is interested in joining our squad please feel free to add me on skype... the more the merrier! :)

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We have 8 dedicated players atm so if you can play alot then you are more than welcome to join, we should hopefully be playing in about an hour or so

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Hey boss, you have room for a lone survivor? I have sent you an invite on Skype. My skype name is "bulletooth_tony"

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yeah guys, everyone who already hasn't added me on Skype feel free to do so... should be getting some good hours logged in today, so more people playing the better :)

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Request Sent. Dark.Mayne - I'm an aussie, but only play around this time... SCratch that, you just accepted me, ha ha

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Hey Derpy,

I'm looking for fellow survivors and yours seem pretty decent. Which is a lot to say due to the fact I had to wade through 11 forum pages till I found one and UK to boot. I have one other with me at the moment who I'm sure I can coerce into joining also, he's fairly new so I'm showing him how to survive and more importantly how to react to any given situation, but we'd be more than happy to tab over to your location.

Also I have a TS server if you're in need of comms other than Skype, it currently holds 25 slots, again I'll be more than happy to share the details with your group.

Here's mine: http://steamcommunity.com/id/25202374

I'll add you on steam shortly.

Hope to hear from you.

Edited by Cerberus_25

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Your clan has to be the worst group of members of the DayZ community I have ever come across. I was traveling north to the airfield armed with a Lee Enfield and a buddy. A member of your clan (Breefhartje) attacked us. Now, this isn't why I am upset. The fact that he shot me 5 times, and I fell unconcious twice AND MANAGED TO SURVIVE ALONG WITH GETTING AWAY is why I am upset. You should really remove this clan member for he is the worst DayZ player I have ever encountered. I have meant fresh spawns that could murder me better than your poor, pathetic clanmate. Every aspect of that attack was on his side, yet he still couldn't kill me. You guys utterly suck and should be ashamed. Also, I know most of your clan members are hackers. Hell, I encountered one in a house once that spawned a weapons crate. You guys suck insurmountable cock and should really just hang yourselves.

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