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US374 some strange things going on there

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I would like to report that last thursday or so server become inhabitat by <im> of <ib> (I don't remember exactly) members and since that time strange things are happening.

One time I connected and immediately after loading I died. A day later I managed to connect without dying, there were 4 people on the server and after couple of minutes of playing I got shot while being faaar to the north, next day I also got shot while being far to the north with 7 people on the server (and all of them members of the same group)

So I'm not sure .. was it a realy huge coincidence?? or is there some cheat that allows people to teleport to a player?

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You're all the way north and wondering why you die? There are two clans that inhabit our server; [iB] and [bM]. [iB] Indecisive Bastards owns the server, of which I am an administrator, along with 2 other clan-mates.

Please bring further false accusations to our website, http://www.IndecisiveBastards.com/ .

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