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US #500 Nightlife Gaming - Teleport/Murder Hacker Attack (7/30/12)

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This occurred at approximately 7:37AM EDT (GMT -4).

I was back on this server with my crew (following an earlier hacker incident) to continue our in-game efforts. Myself and two of my crew, Cpt. Starfish and RockstarG, were waiting in the PBX for another of our crew (Saitaer) to meet us for pickup. Suddenly, Cpt. Starfish disappeared, followed by saitaer; myself and RockstarG DC'ed as soon as we realized that a hacker attack was underway. Another member of our crew, CodenameAlex, located near Chernogorsk was also teleported. The three who were teleported from their positions (Cpt. Starfish, Saitaer, and CodenameAlex) were executed as soon as they arrived at their teleport location. Here is a screen shot of the players remaining once I DC'ed.

Sadly, Cpt. Starfish was eight days into his character -- a great run ruined by yet another hacker.

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sorry, but are you saying you went back onto a server you knew had been hacked at an earlier point that day?

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