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Problem re-entering a game.

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Salutations and greetings!

Earlier today I fired up what was to be my first try at the DayZ mod. After much anticipation, I successfully installed the mod and began server browsing. Upon entering a game, however, I was welcomed by a lovely group of flesh biting horrors who promptly ended my life. I laughed it off and went to try again. Except, I ran into a bit of a problem.

After returning to the character select screen, as prompted, and re-entering the game I return to my dead body. As soon as character data is loaded I simply spawn in, down on the ground, followed shortly by the 'You Are Dead" screen. This happens with each server I try, no matter how many times I back out of the multiplayer portion of the game or restart the game as a whole.

Is there something I can do about this? Something I didn't install correctly? Is it simply a slow server response? Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you greatly.

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its a bug that came along with the hotfix patch today...expect another hotfix patch soon. keep checking the "announcements" area.

And dont forget, this mod is in ALPHA stages...the community...Me, and including you are testers at this point.

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Thanks for the quick replies!

Ah ha, so I see. I was worried I had done something wrong. Thanks for the information!

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