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ok so i have been watching streams of choppers and it makes me wonder.

once the servers chopper(s) are taken there is not much point any more for the lone wolf or even upstarting group of survivors to go crash site hunting, get a vehicle or set up camp.

crash sites are found and looted by the chopper crew within minutes.

camps and hidden vehicles are insanely easy to find now due to ground vegitation not being rendered at long distance.

i understand that choppers are fun and all but i personally think it has a negative overall effect on the game.

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a chomper is like the pinnacle of dayz, everyone wants one for reason above metioned, but remember they are also easy to take down with a sniper. a well placed shot could make it go tumble down into oblivion then its your turn to find a chomper and be the boss of the server

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yes true they can be shot down easy enough but still. every thing is way too easy to find with them now.

just watch omnikais stream.

over the past 12 hours they have found/repaired three choppers. they have been shot at a couple of times but the only destructions where due to a hacker and an admin kick.

chopper is not really the pinnacle of dayz imho as it feels too easy to acquire one. rocket often used eve analogies and in that context they should be a lot harder to repair/find. if it took weeks to acquire that would be more in line. maybe the rotor assemblies should be even more rare spawns.

i dont have the answers obviously just trying to see what people feel about it.

Edited by okarr

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