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mythTECH (DayZ)

My thoughts on vehicles.

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Here just my idea to change the way vehicles are in this mod.

Firstly apart from the drivable vehicles in this game, all the cars you come across are burnt out and rusting away, I think this should be changed.

I believe that all vehicles on the map should be drivable, however they need certain parts to repair. Just because its a zombie apocalypse doesn't mean all the vechiles in the world blow up.

To balance this however parts should be as rare as a SVD camo and there should be a set amount of fuel on a server, for instance, a normal server starts with 600l of fuel combined across all fuel tanks, some of the vehicles in the game world would also have fuel in them that you could use or take out off, once that runs out then there's no more to go around. This could introduce people stealing fuel from other vehicles and clans.

So basically all vehicles are drivable but it's 20x harder to get the right parts for it.

Any suggestions, this thought came to me when I thought of the walking dead and the motorways filled up with vehicles.

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Great idea, but how would it affect the server performence?

I think so.

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A fixed amount of fuel/server would lead to intensive server-hopping to rob another servers fuel.

But i would appreciate more driveable vehicles and more rare vehicle-parts.

Maybe a chance of breaking vehicle-parts due to use, so you have to repair your vehicle from time to time.

And I suppose to switch the topic to the suggestions-section.

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