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The Rock (DayZ)

Banning for alt f4 assholes

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Hey guys

So i got a question.. i play on a server that is owned by someone i know from a forum. I play a lot on that server because we got different clans etc on there, so a lot of fighting in the North which is awesome. Sometimes we kill entire clans and sometimes we get killed as well.

Now comes the problems, we were under fire at the NE airfield so one of our snipers took a shot and killed one of the four enemies, and well i guess you can guess it. Poof other 3 guys gone, and reconnected 500 meters south of the airfield to attack us again, luckily we got a thermal scope so we saw them coming again and took another shot, last 2 guys alt f4 and never came back.

2 days ago, our camp was found and half looted. We felt pretty bad but then suddenly we saw 3 ghillied guys run right to our camp to attack/loot it again. I was with one other guy with a AS50 so i spotted and he shot one ghillie, and guess what, the other 2 poof gone. And came back 1km out of where he died. I saw him with my thermal again, took a few shots and poof gone again.

This is getting completely out of hand, it is funny at one hand because we keep winning those encounters even after they alt f4 but still, it is pathetic. The worst part is, someone shot on our guys, luckily he survided. We returned fire(so we were not the aggressors) and he alt f4's

Can we ban these alt f4 guys when we have enough proof? This has NOTHING to do with admin abuse, because we really really like other clans and groups on our server for the challenge because it is awesome, but when we get the drop on them hands down, they should not just alt f4 like that. I keep reading different things here, one said it is bannable another said it isn't very confusing.

Personally i think Rockets system of loggin the login and logout is way too passive and won't deal with the problem anytime soon(i do know the arma engine makes it hard for other solutions but still)

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Their character gets killed if they disconnect too many times

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I personally hope these kind of things are addressed.

Standalone or not, if exploitations continue it will be the death of the game (like it was for games like APB).

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Put a delay in, when they alt f4 they're characters are still ingame for 10 more sec.

People wont dare press that f4 button again :) .

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Their character gets killed if they disconnect too many times

Is not really an answer for this problem. A person may never disconnect until he is attacked and only then alt f4's it takes way too long to identify those players as alt f4 in that solution.

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there should be a 10 sek wait from when you hit abort and then disconnect so that you still exist in game.

Of course this should not happen if you are banned or kicked.

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Come on guys, stop with the "put in a 10 second timer" suggestions. If you cared to just search a bit on this issue, you'd know the ARMA 2 engine doesn't support this, and that DayZ has already tried it in a former patch. The good thing is those making use of ALT+F4, are now being logged on the Hive server.

But yes, it is a tiresome problem these days. I as well have seens lots of people ALT+F4'ing and even ghosting too, in order to loot their bodies. I'd even admit I've done it myself a few times, but then realised that it's really cheating, and completely destroys the immersiveness with the mod. Having a L85A2 in your group, helps a lot taking care of these pests though :)

People stop this ALT+F4 and ghosting shit. If you can't handle permadeath, then I'd suggest playing Call of Duty or Battlefield instead. Clearly DayZ isn't for you.

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Haha we found those guys (we write the names of the alt f4 guys) on a quad, we opened fire and killed both, then we realized that they were the alt f4 guys from yesterday haha that was amazing. Yeah didnt want to alt f4 on a quad, they tried to rush away.

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