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US #500 Nightlife Gaming - Thunderdome Hacker Attack (7/30/12)

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Occurred at approx 5:15AM EDT (GMT -4).

While providing cover for my comrade RockstarG, on the coast of Solnichniy, I was suddenly teleported to an area called "Thunderdome" containing at least one other player; I quickly aborted and DC'ed from the server, snapped screenshot, and then relogged into another server to check out the damage done. I found myself in the middle of the NW Airstrip, but otherwise all of my equipment was intact.

RockstarG was also teleported to the "Thunderdome" and promptly aborted/DC'ed, then joined me on the other server and also found himself located in NW Airstrip; his main weapon and ammo had been removed by the hacker's script along with his GPS and NVG's, and he was given a horn.

Our third comrade, CodenameAlex, was in Elektrozavodsk looting factories when he too was teleported to the "Thunderdome", his main weapon and ammo had been removed and he was given a horn, but he managed to grab a Bizon plus ammo from a nearby ammo crate as the ensuing Thunderdome firefight started. He too aborted and DC'ed, joining both myself and RockstarG on the other server, also finding himself located in the middle of NW Airstrip.

Here is the screen shot of the players remaining on the server after I DC'ed; RockstarG and CodenameAlex are in my crew, so I *know* they are not the hacker. However, we do suspect that the hacker was still logged on since I left quick enough to not lose any weapons or gear, and took this snap before RockstarG was able to leave - and RockstarG did manage to get out before the hacker had executed the script to issue him a Bizon.

Edited by Ragotag

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I just registered a forum account to report this same exact incident myself.

Everything happened rather quickly, but I can confirm everything Ragotag said. I was teleported to a different location (didn't catch the name, but apparently it was "Thunderdome") with every other player on the server. A massive firefight broke out; I did not D/C myself. I ran for cover and was able to survive the initial bloodbath. I waited roughly a minute before going to check out the initial fight area, only to find the hacker was invisible and just lurking there waiting to kill anyone that returned.

Edit: Another interesting fact, my information disappeared after being teleported. By that I mean the information that is displayed on the far right that tells you zombie kills/murders/bandits etc. Everything else was intact after being teleported; All items were still on me.

Edit2: For what it's worth, my in-game name was Steven.

Edited by Striderrs

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