giorgygr 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Every corner you ll search -you 'll find a CZ. CZ is a weapon just -less- powered in comparison with M107..and more deadlier than M24 (check calibers for each) I know every new-guy wanna be a sniper..but i don't think DayZ is the place to do it-and reducing probability (even more) to find a scoped weaponwill only 'add' to the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnnyseven 1 Posted May 23, 2012 I like the idea of scoped weapons being harder to find, would probably mean most bandits have to risk a bit more in getting closer to their targets and give survivors more time to spot them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Yes.. It's gameplay wise AND more real. If everyone would be able to find so easily (in reality) a 9.3x62 caliber scoped weapon (or any scoped weapon)....we wouldn't have politicians anymore :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCDenton (DayZ) 12 Posted May 23, 2012 No.Just No. If your having problems with snipers, learn to use cover or go around at night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 1 Posted May 23, 2012 I know i m ruining your gameplay type: 1)camp on a nice spot 2) Find a poor fella in your optics 3)Aim poor fella 4)1 shot/poor fella down (especially with 9.3x62 ammunition) ------------------------------ As i stated before..the amount of scoped weapons in game is ridiculously high..and BY FAR not real. Devs please consider the above on the future PS. "I have bazillions of gaming hours in ArmA..and unfortunatelyi know there isn't way to survive a trigger-finger with patience. Not enough objects for cover in ARMA-world.." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krisko 2 Posted May 23, 2012 Sniping is easy-mode.The ammo spawns everywhere, the weapon everywhere else and all it takes is 1 shot to knock someone down. After that, they're dead.It's always the first weapon I go for and never drop it. It's just too good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DR1F7R 19 Posted May 24, 2012 No.Just No. If your having problems with snipers' date=' learn to use cover or go around at night.[/quote']sounds like you're jsutto scared to get your hands dirty, and like to hide liek a girl. lrn2notbepussy.+1 on this, i like taking out people from a distance, but yeah, these weapons are to common. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBowski 2 Posted May 24, 2012 On the topic of the CZ550, I really think it should be kept in game. It seems like a lot of people have never lived in a rural area. A lot of people hunt and almost all hunting rifles have scopes. If anything is reduced, it should be the number of 1886 rifles and Lee Enfields. Those are by far less common weapons in real life. Though it is cruel and unforgiving, the majority of civilian weapons in game should be CZ550s, Pump action hunting shotguns, and non-military pistols like the revolver and m1911.If you're not going for realism, and trying to balance the game (contrary to Rocket's stated view), you would make scoped weapons and good shotguns a rarity. However, if aiming to be realistic, these weapons should be the vast majority of civilian firearms.Of course, this would reduce the challenge of survival. In order to make survival continue to be difficult, the number of zombies would have to be raised and they would have to have more health and have to hit harder. I'm not sure what the best plan of action is, but it certainly isn't removing the scoped hunting rifles. Perhaps it would be more realistic if they were in a different caliber, say 30-06. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jagdpanther 2 Posted May 24, 2012 There are way too many CZ550s in the game. Scoped weapons make PVP easemode for noobs. CZ550 is easily the most powerful noob camp weapon. Should be a bit more rare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted May 24, 2012 I like the CZ550 and perhaps the scope is too powerful (with range adjusting which I didn't know was possible with optics without a backup sight) but the weapon has a lot of down sides.1) loud as all heck2) terrible PvE3) 5 round clips mean low ammo per slot (M24 is pretty poor as well, its)4) terrible CQCPersonally I'll take the Lee over the CZ. I used to operate recon/recce ops for my group with the CZ but I find it has too little ammo and is too loud for extended operations/solo raiding. In turn I like the Lee which I can aim well enough without the scope at most important ranges. Plus its not nearly as loud as people it is and the new slower spawn time fix has made it incredibly more viable.In the end. I'll keep my DMR and its 20 round mag and adjustable scope.In my time of playing the game I've never been sniped off of the coast... and think anyone who stays by the coast constantly is just begging for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 1 Posted May 24, 2012 Nobody is going to PvE with a CZ as long there are survivors trying to play RPG.Easily i can assume everyone who has a CZ is for players.p.s.In MY country if i owned a CZ550 the counter-terrorism department would have me 'locked-2-deep'.The most common weapon for a civilian to have is at least a shotgun. (in MY sphere of reality) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snakpak564674 0 Posted May 24, 2012 Great thread. Glad I searched it before I posted myself. This literally has everything I wanted to say. Sniper spawn rate need to be DRASTICALLY reduced. I'm all for realism, but if you really want to get THAT realistic, let's put a watch on 1/2 the people's bodies simply because people wear watches, and add in TRIPPING because that worked out great for SSBB. There needs to be a point where you think about the fun of the game. CZ's around every corner? Not fun. Hardly realistic. Needs balancing.Every scoped weapon should be a rarity because it immediately give you an advantage that no other class of weapon does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a4moondoggy 0 Posted June 11, 2012 To keep it realistic i think CZ 550 rifles should be even more common however the ammo should be very rare as it's some of the more expensive ammo in the game. I have a 550 right now but have only shot it a few times to take down cow at very long range for target practice. I've had the opportunity to snipe two people who were busy fighting zombies but i'm a good guy. They had camo a4's too so it would have sucked if they weren't bandits. back to the question at hand... Most people who own hunting rifles don't have much ammo for it as they will only fire a few shots to zero in the scope and then one per kill afterwards. I even own a scoped "hunting" rifle--Winchester .22 Magnum... but haven't shot it in 15 years nor had ammo for it since then. (not the best analogy because cost for power it's the best value available) Was given to me by my grandpa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haviv[3rdid] 57 Posted June 11, 2012 If it's a civi weapon then it should be common. If it's a military weapon then it should be hard to get. The nice thing about realism is that you don't have to come up with all kinds of equations to balance gameplay. Just look at what's available in the real world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dinnj 4 Posted June 11, 2012 I know i m ruining your gameplay type:You say that as if it's a joke, but it isn't. This is why I'm so glad people like you aren't actually game developers. This is a natural gameplay style. You want to create an artificial change to intentionally boost this gameplay style instead:Poor fella makes his position known (NW airfield, Chern, Elektro? Don't know where else snipers tend to camp tbh) by running into a camped area.Poor fella stops to do something in the open and stands still, maybe to loot his poor beans.Poor fella gets shot and dies because everyone always hits you from extreme range.Poor fella quits Day Z because he concludes from this experience that "WELL IN THE REAL WORLD SCOPED RIFLES WOULD BE LESS COMMON."No. Changes shouldn't be made for "PVP BALANCE" this isn't world of warcraft. As a previous poster has suggested, you must be terribly unfamiliar with rural areas. Scoped rifles are far far more likely than un-scoped rifles, and rifles are not rare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
infinitegrim 47 Posted June 11, 2012 Nobody is going to PvE with a CZ as long there are survivors trying to play RPG.Easily i can assume everyone who has a CZ is for players.p.s.In MY country if i owned a CZ550 the counter-terrorism department would have me 'locked-2-deep'.The most common weapon for a civilian to have is at least a shotgun. (in MY sphere of reality)You bring up a good point.The game should have a filter. If an American comes into a loot area there higher changes of AR's, AK's, scoped rifles, tactical shotguns, and 1911's spawning.If an Australian goes into the loot area shotguns have a chance of spawning and some handguns.If British person goes into a loot spawn some airsoft guns, safe butter knives, and marbles will spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WolfQuaid 0 Posted June 11, 2012 If British person goes into a loot spawn some airsoft guns' date=' safe butter knives, and marbles will spawn.[/quote']This is made me lol because it's true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites