Palora 6 Posted May 6, 2012 seriously? You must be a carebear pve type.Wanting to ban people for killing lol' date=' never heard such bs in all my life.[/quote'] I guess it's because you cannot read/hear well. You might wanna get that looked at. You got:" Ban players who kill other players "from this "give temporary bans to players who go over a set number of player kills"Good job! Boy am i glad i quit EvE when i did, i might be glancing over posts my self and go bananas when i read words i do not wanna hear if i hadn't. And yes, i am a carebear, because i believe retards must be punished when going full retard. And also because i disagree with you (the horror, how dare i, right?). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorg_dk 30 Posted May 6, 2012 Not directly linked to the pvp discussion, but one thing that could encourage team work, and make the game more realistic, is if there was a weight/fatigue system as in ACE. It should be more forgiving that ACE, allowing you to still carry a lot and run at lot, but it would make it necessary for people to split out their heavy gear among them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted May 6, 2012 seriously? You must be a carebear pve type.Wanting to ban people for killing lol' date=' never heard such bs in all my life.[/quote'] I guess it's because you cannot read/hear well. You might wanna get that looked at. You got:" Ban players who kill other players "from this "give temporary bans to players who go over a set number of player kills"Good job! Boy am i glad i quit EvE when i did, i might be glancing over posts my self and go bananas when i read words i do not wanna hear if i hadn't. And yes, i am a carebear, because i believe retards must be punished when going full retard. And also because i disagree with you (the horror, how dare i, right?).Erm, he was correct. You do want to ban players for killing other players.It's fucking stupid, and so is everyone who suggests something like this. If you can't fucking deal with being killed, stop fucking playing and stop plaguing the forum with shitty suggestions like these, I hope to fucking god that Rocket doesn't take any of these suggestions seriously.Stop being carebears. You're going to die, its the nature of the game and the genre. If you can't deal with that fact stop playing and go play your shitty WoW games or Runescape. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 8, 2012 Tell griff what?Really? This is what you post? A thread shitter who then sits in Stary Sobor aiming at the military camp shooting at people for no reason just like what I explained in my post? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alexander (DayZ) 1 Posted May 8, 2012 But now every American sever and now the NZ server in the few hours its on is being RUINED by people who just kill for points. No gathering items, no getting better weapons, they just find a spot, sit there and snipe anyone they see without warning. Whats the point of the game if all you do is get murdered by random people? I've played this game since its release, I know to avoid the major cities like the plague, but it doesn't stop some PKing little shit ruining it for everyone else who wants to play it the proper way, survival.Who are you to say that the only aim of the game is surviving like a tree hugger? If you've got a problem with these pking bandits then START HUNTING THEM. That's what I'm doing. I plan to tally some bananas tommorow then lololololol at them over side chat. It might make them reconsider their actions.only to be shot by some jerk who wandered into or was camping the area and saw you (who incidentally wasnt visible when you scout the town before going inShoulda' watched your back, jack. Or else someone connected to the server right behind you. Bad luck, old man. Happens to us all. Some little shit saw you and your friends in a town and just shot at you all for no reason then ran off?Why were you travelling in a group of more than say, 2, if you weren't afraid of bandits? I'm guessing the little shit fired at and HIT you and now you're having a severe case of "I got shot by a bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwndit" Deal with it - I NEVER alt f4 (and not just because I didn't know I could until a week ago :D ) and it's happened to me a bunch. That.Is.Why.The.Game.Is.Tense.These people are ruining the game for everyone else, defeating the purpose of sneaking,There is no town I dare not go with some retarded zombies. Supply gathering is merely a case of patience in their case. When I have to balance the speed with which I loot a town with the likelyhood of someone spotting me doing so, with the amount of water I sweat out trying to book it away from that zombie who was alerted when I saw that guy who aimed a shotgun at me. THAT is gameplay. Anything else is just a grindfest. I suspect you get zapped so often because you don't sneak ENOUGH. But by all means continue to baaaaaaw about Pkers - you should try playing on a server with RUSSIANS.Nerftball nomar vatishiny?Hi, I'm alex! Don't worry about the bandit skin I had to kill a guy in se-*MASSIVE AK47 FIRE*Neriditballa suprdoya DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR spasobe birit :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manowar 19 Posted May 8, 2012 i am sick of this argument. The point of PvP in DayZ is to live or to die, its all risk versus reward. If you are friendly or not I dont care I will put a bolt in youru brain without a second thought weather you have better gear than me or not. I plan on surviving any way I can. This is the reason it exists here. A fact that most of you dont seem to understand, is that this is a lawless environment, its a shake hands with your finger still on the trigger scenario. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
David Trebecho 1 Posted May 8, 2012 This is a mod for the game Arma... You want hand holding, play any other game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivalist_MacLaren 1 Posted May 8, 2012 How come so many people want to sabotage this mod? It's the best thing that has happened in the modding world in quite a long time and all these people are dead set on turning it into some horseshit watered down shell of a game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banano (DayZ) 0 Posted May 8, 2012 There's nothing more fun then putting a CZ bullet through some unsuspecting survivors skull while they aimlessly wander around a city. It adds an edge to the game that keeps people on their toes; I can't begin to tell you the number of times my heart started racing when I heard a player shooting or walking nearby me. I don't get that way with the zombies though, all you have to do is run backwards and occasionally stop to shoot them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enduin 4 Posted May 8, 2012 To me banditry is awesome and should never be punished. Its a legitimate and interesting way to survive in the wonderful world of Zombie infested Chernarus. But what does bother me is griefing, there definitely a number of individuals who just kill other players for the sake of killing them and not due to any real strategic reason, like loot or safety, but just to ruin someones day. Which isnt very sportmans like.That said though, while greifing should be fround upon, theres no viable way at present to stop it or punish it without fundamentally changing the game and thus punishing all players for any degree of Banditry, legitimate or not. Really the only thing I can think of that would be a simple and passive way of "dealing" with bandits and PKing would be to alter the player death message in the chat box.So when "MasterDeBater" is killed near Elektro it pops up in the chat saying "MasterDeBater was Murdered near Elektro," instead of simply "MasterDeBater was killed."This kind of notificiation would then warn others a PKer is in the area and they can either A) avoid that area or B) go on the hunt for a bandit. Which the bandit can then also prepare for my leaving or taking up a defensive position to take out or ambush any would be Bandit Hunters.This wouldnt punish anyone for their actions or put any kind of handicap on anyone, but just add a small and rather vague bit of detail that players could utilize in a great many ways. Though that kidn of notification shouldnt be used in Hardcore servers. Everyone in those are on their own. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaleno 4 Posted May 8, 2012 All in all, this mod is still in alpha form so the amount of griping over such a new mod is actually pretty amazing. I think this amount of debating and arguing is excellent for the mod as it will increase the playerbase. However, everyone needs to realize that fixes and updates occur almost everyday and deal with the issues they're facing by being CAREFUL. Sprinting through the woods full speed when someone is crouching and moving more tactically will almost guarantee death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi 0 Posted May 8, 2012 All in all' date=' this mod is still in alpha form so the amount of griping over such a new mod is actually pretty amazing. I think this amount of debating and arguing is excellent for the mod as it will increase the playerbase. However, everyone needs to realize that fixes and updates occur almost everyday and deal with the issues they're facing by being CAREFUL. Sprinting through the woods full speed when someone is crouching and moving more tactically will almost guarantee death.[/quote']I can see exactly what will happen though. In approximately a week there will be an update which effectively ruins the no rules aspect of this game catering only to the people crying about being killed by players. The problem being is that 1) "safe havens" will be an absolute magnet for griefers. Guarding them will be impossible as your guards will simply get picked off from a distance.2) Adding any kind of real system to punish PKrs is pointless considering there is perma death which has to be the worst punishment.The only thing I will say is this game is probably what a lot of PvE minded people are looking for however I'm hoping this game is simply not made for them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Palora 6 Posted May 8, 2012 The only thing I will say is this game is probably what a lot of PvE minded people are looking for however I'm hoping this game is simply not made for them. So you have Arma 2 DM' date=' Warfare, PR, CoD, APB, Warband, EVE, SoSE, and so many others and you hope this game isn't made for the people who don't wanna switch to an empty server, find a rifle and then switch back to a server with people so he can be an asshole? Congratulations, you are the reason the gaming industry of our day is full of shit. So once all of us who do not wish to bother with griefers are gone, are you gonna ask for weapon balances? Throwing knives? AC130 on Killstreaks?It's fucking stupid, and so is everyone who suggests something like this. If you can't fucking deal with being killed, stop fucking playing and stop plaguing the forum with shitty suggestions like these, I hope to fucking god that Rocket doesn't take any of these suggestions seriously. Guess i should inform the world that we shouldn't punish criminals, innocents my get hurt. Now relax, fucking to much isn't good for you.p.s. And no, I'm gonna stick around a while, watching you be butthurt by a suggestion is to much fun, who knows, maybe I'll be a good assho... griefer one day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted May 8, 2012 whoa whoa whoa...Before this discussion continues any further; PVP is part of the game, and not going anywhere (as far as I can tell from a player's perspective).Any *aggro* posts directed at others, over punishing Bandits at a server-level (kicking, banning) will be warned from here on in.Chill out and go snack on a kit-kat, then come back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted May 8, 2012 PvP is bad mmmkay?For the record, I scalp the shit out of anyone who isnt in my clique.That's where I stand. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigvalco 0 Posted May 8, 2012 PvP is bad mmmkay?For the record' date=' I scalp the shit out of anyone who isnt in my clique.That's where I stand.[/quote']About the same for me, if your not on TS your fair game. I do feel bad however when I shoot someone that hasn't even seen me, but you don't really have a choice in this do you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimmy James 18 Posted May 8, 2012 I usually avoid other players as I don't play this game with friends. Earlier today I was low on blood and ammo so I blasted some poor random scavenger who was milling about in a village (sorry dude) and was in much better shape for it. 8 mags and a bunch of food. It's all about surviving and if you aren't able to play with people you trust you'll be forced to play like this or you'll probably not have a very good time of things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malaclypse 3 Posted May 10, 2012 I had to murder them to survive, bro! I couldn't just ask them for some extra supplies. I find it highly unlikely that anything more than 10% of player kills are for direct survival (food, water, bandages) purposes.Not that I'm against people killing for sport or non-survival purposes, but let's cut the shit and call a spade a spade instead of pussyfooting around it: most player kills aren't because of a lack of survival supplies, but because of boredom or just being a covetous dink and wanting a larger backpack/different weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted May 10, 2012 I've sticked this thread. This is now THE pvp discussion thread.Other threads about PvP in DayZ general will be deleted (if I can be bothered opening them and reading them to check).Feel free to post PvP suggestions in the Suggestions forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatGuy (DayZ) 47 Posted May 10, 2012 Reduce ammo map wide. Don't reduce the number of spawns, this will only lead to people camping more. I mean instead of finding 15 rounds, a clip, etc. make it 2-3 rounds. Make it so that in order to reload the magazines of gucci guns you have to sit a minute while you manually load every round one by one.With less ammo all around suddenly it matters whether or not you pull the trigger to fight over someone's beans, it might be more practical to rob a player especially if you can't recoup your spent bullet off your prey. It also means that zombie engagements become significantly more risky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
en1mal 12 Posted May 10, 2012 People should do an psychological douche test before playing. That would keep the serversclean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicpanda 0 Posted May 10, 2012 Very new to this discussion but I'm finding that Death Match with Zombies is a bit crap. My current character is very much inland and the play experience is completely different. In fact it's the best mod I've played in 20+ years gaming.I think the solution is with the Zombies. Perhaps we need a means to kill zeds silently (melee?) and open gunfire needs to attract a metric shit ton of zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alienxxi 27 Posted May 10, 2012 It really does ruin the experience for brand new players. I have been through 7 characters so far. All of them have been killed by other players that have automatic rifles. These people obviously have been playing the game for a long time, so they get bored killing zombies and run off to ruin other peoples fun. It's one thing to get killed by a zombie because that was you being stupid. It's another thing simply walking into a town and instantly getting killed by a sniper or someone with automatic weapons.There needs to be some kind of protection for brand new players. You know how frustrating it is to have to start all over again, especially when you are about 2 hours into your character? Why not put a protection timer on brand new survivors? For example, maybe a 3 hour immunity where you can't get killed by other players. If one of those brand new players happens to shoot just one shot on another player, then they instantly lose their immunity.Call me a cry baby, I don't care. I'm just about lost all my interest in this game mode because of all the jerks that think it's funny to ruin other players fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites