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Hacking/Exploit or Grenade or Bug?

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Let me start by saying that I'm relatively new to this game. Not SUPER-new, but new enough that I need to ask this question.

My two friends and I were standing on a ridge in a forest, when suddenly a guy appears right next to us. We all immediately turn around and shoot him. We each put probably 10 shots into him at point blank range, and he doesn't seem to be dying. He then goes prone and starts saying "Friendly!" We continue shooting him for about 5 more seconds, and then suddenly all 3 of us simultaneously die. Up to that point none of us had taken any damage.

Is it possible that he somehow suicide-grenaded us or something? I later went back the the spot and found my body and gear but his wasn't there.

Is this some sort of known exploit or is this perhaps something that an admin could do?

Is it more likely that we are victims of some kind of lag/bug scenario in which he was shooting us the whole time and it didn't register somehow?

What do you guys think?

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Likely a hacker who didn't like your approach to telling you he's friendly.

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Thanks for the responses. That's unfortunate that there are that type of hacks...

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When joining you are in a 'ghost' like state. You could see his character but not kill him. Although when he said 'friendly' you should have been able to kill him...It could have been server lag and this guy was unaffected, after realising you were trying to kill him he shoots all of you and then the server connection fixes making you appear to die at the same time? Not 100% but that's my 2 cents

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Nope US338. Did it happen to you too?

Edited by derricw

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Hmmm... Are you sure you hit him? Because, you know, I think I wasted about 50 Makarov mags when I started to play until I realized that aiming with a pistol (and some other weapons, too) is not very accurate without pressing right mouse button or using ironsight. Especially when you are running before shooting, you can easily miss even at point blank range. If you had approached me like that and missed but didn't stop shooting after I said I'm friendly, I would also pop a grenade.

But what's the reason for shooting a single guy in the wilderness anyways when you're in a group? Every solo player with half a brain wouldn't start shooting at a group of people next to him. A sniper from a 600m away buldingor something would do it, but shooting at a group that is standing 5m from you is suicide... Given they don't stand all at the same spot and I don't have a M4 or something comparable.

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Yeah I mean we were shooting him point blank pretty much so I'm sure we were hitting him. And we didn't approach him, he appeared directly beside us. We shot him because it was scary having someone do that.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 10:05 AM, derricw said:

Nope US338. Did it happen to you too?

i was in the position of winning a 4v1 yesterday by throwing 2 grenades that killed 3 people then shot the last guy to bits on US 1100, was also on a slope in front of forest.

Edited by AluCaRdBe

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