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A proposed life cycle of a Survivor.

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I'll keep it short and sweet because even I would say tl;dr.

Recently, I've been reading, and coming to the conclusion the whole philosophy that all good will die unless it lives long enough to watch it become evil. I mean, look at a possible hypothesis.

You got Survivor McGee. Nice guy, has his starting gear, he's ready to scavange and stealth.

- McGee finds his first loot, it's not much, but he's thrilled.

-McGee gets his first weapon. It's weak, but finally, he can defend himself.

Now here's where it could possibly branch off, if it hadn't yet.

Possible life #1

-McGee goes lone-wolf and lives off on his own

-McGee checks other cities, avoiding most to all contact with others and trying not to cause any trouble

-McGee hits a military base after heading north. First military loot! Hooah!

-McGee, after much time, has completely decked himself in Coyote pack, military sniper, Ghillie suit, and the like

Possible life #2

-McGee finds a friend, or has met up with an offline buddy to play with

-McGee and friend scavenge together, looking for loot to share and what not

-McGee and friend begin a group, going so far as to repair a car and get on the move

-Like #1, they finally get the good loot

If they had died anytime in-between these steps, obviously McGee will have restarted the cycle all over. But what after that? What after the heli-crash sites and the snipers and the all the swag? Well, this is what I've noticed reading most Bandit posts. These people have followed that step, gotten very far, and are now at the current possible "End-Game". Now obviously End-Game doesn't exist in DayZ, but it's the closest thing to it. And after that? They shoot. They shoot other players until finally, one day, they are put down. Back to square one.

What do you think? Suggestions? Excuse the sloppiness, I'm getting into this whole forum thing again.

Edited by Lennsik
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I'll keep it short and sweet because even I would say tl;dr.

Recently, I've been reading, and coming to the conclusion the whole philosophy that all good will die unless it lives long enough to watch it become evil. I mean, look at a possible hypothesis.

You got Survivor McGee. Nice guy, has his starting gear, he's ready to scavange and stealth.

- McGee finds his first loot, it's not much, but he's thrilled.

-McGee gets his first weapon. It's weak, but finally, he can defend himself.

Now here's where it could possibly branch off, if it hadn't yet.

Possible life #1

-McGee goes lone-wolf and lives off on his own

-McGee checks other cities, avoiding most to all contact with others and trying not to cause any trouble

-McGee hits a military base after heading north. First military loot! Hooah!

-McGee, after much time, has completely decked himself in Coyote pack, military sniper, Ghillie suit, and the like

Possible life #2

-McGee finds a friend, or has met up with an offline buddy to play with

-McGee and friend scavenge together, looking for loot to share and what not

-McGee and friend begin a group, going so far as to repair a car and get on the move

-Like #1, they finally get the good loot

If they had died anytime in-between these steps, obviously McGee will have restarted the cycle all over. But what after that? What after the heli-crash sites and the snipers and the all the swag? Well, this is what I've noticed reading most Bandit posts. These people have followed that step, gotten very far, and are now at the current possible "End-Game". Now obviously End-Game doesn't exist in DayZ, but it's the closest thing to it. And after that? They shoot. They shoot other players until finally, one day, they are put down. Back to square one.

What do you think? Suggestions? Excuse the sloppiness, I'm getting into this whole forum thing again.

Rocket has stated that he would like to see more content in "end-game".

When you're all geared you can choose to be a bandit and kill other players, but it's not the only option. Join a clan and build a base, join the wasteland medics (or help them by raiding hospitals and giving the loot to them), hunt bandits, become a bounty hunter even (though that's kinda difficult right now, not knowing in what server what player is). Be creative and think of your own path, I think that's what Dayz is all about.

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There is no End Game. None is powerful enough to control everything. Even if you have a car and heli and weapons, you will die sooner or later if you aren't careful!

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Rocket has stated that he would like to see more content in "end-game".

When you're all geared you can choose to be a bandit and kill other players, but it's not the only option. Join a clan and build a base, join the wasteland medics (or help them by raiding hospitals and giving the loot to them), hunt bandits, become a bounty hunter even (though that's kinda difficult right now, not knowing in what server what player is). Be creative and think of your own path, I think that's what Dayz is all about.

If you want, post a few suggestions of those life styles? I suddenly have an urge to make a list of possible things you can be in the mod. If there isn't one yet.

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Get decent gear, maybe some kills in a major city

Head north

Get som better gear, kill some people

Get murdered


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Best way to waste time-

Run around Cherno or other random populated place with an ax helping kill zombies for other players while loudly yelling "I'M THE BAT".

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Fix up a c130 and leave chenorusk for good takes a riddiculus amount of parts

Would be interesting if you could use this method to "unlock" other maps for exploration IE Takistan or Lingor Island. Some servers would host these different maps instead of Chernarus, and hive won't allow you to connect unless your character has met the "get C130 and escape" prerequisite. Maybe a different map, even, depending on what direction you fled Chernarus from?

Of course these locales would be exponentially more dangerous as EVERYONE there will be decked out in all kinds of high level gear.

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