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Hacker admitted to being a hacker on "us256 kansas"

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Server: us256 kansas

Time: 3:55 (GMT-4 or EDT)

Hacker: Roy

I was trying to get with a group in Elektro and this random guy named "Roy" in a black SUV came up and honked the horn. I jumped in and asked where he got that and his ghillie suit and stuff. He said "< hacker". Eventually he crashed and insta-repaired this thing automatically and started picking up other people. He also teleported my friend to him to get him into the SUV. I'm in the SUV now; he's telling us he's going to give us a bunch of gear. He may be a nice hacker but he's a hacker nonetheless.

EDIT: He's giving people gear at SWAF...

EDIT 2: Super hacker battle... More hackers came in and killed Roy, then everyone at the same time...

EDIT 3: Someone is spawning people in the "Thunderdome" and turning people into goats, then killing them.

Edited by Relemsis

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