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Since I died yesterday and logged back in today, I keep spawning at random locations all over the map(ontop of mountains, air towers, hangars beach, middle in cherno), usually low blood and hurt, bleeding. The bandit icon shows me as a bandit.

No matter what server I join or how many times I try respawning it keeps doing this.

Never had this before.

Oh and info:

Arma 2 and Arma 2 Arrowhead combined on Greenmangaming(worked fine before)

Win 7 x64 bit.

Arma 2 beta patch, previous one and latest tested(updated after the issues).

Steady connection

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I'm spawning dead for over an hour of trying. I respawn with 600 blood with an hour glass, I die, I disconnect and it repeats. When it doesn't repeat, I respawn with 10k ish blood and have a 5 minute hour glass in the middle of no where.

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I'm having the same spawn issue as you Driftingjoint and it all started about and hour ago for me.

I'm using the steam verison and on win 7 64nit can anyone help

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I'm having the same spawn issue as you Driftingjoint and it all started about and hour ago for me.

I'm using the steam verison and on win 7 64nit can anyone help

Also steam version, win 7 64 bit. It's so frustrating that I'm spawning in "wilderness" with 5 minutes hour glass, 50 temperature, 3000 blood and no ammo. No matter what I do, I just can't get a clean respawn.

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21:00 BST

What happened:

I died but when I respawned, instead of being back to full blood etc, I only had like 1500 and a temp of 70. Screen was shaking and blurry. I hobbled around until i attracted the attention of some zombies and let them kill me again. Respawned again and same thing happens again - I spawn with around 1500 blood, screen blurry. It says at the top that I have killed 56 zombies with 34 headshots - which is nonsense. Keep spawning around the same area too, and have a full inventory of items each time i respawn, despite eating beans and using bandages and stuff before i die. it's just my blood and temp (70) that are low. keeps happening - have tried switching servers, closing game and logging in/out, nothing works.

Where you were:


What you were doing:

On my way to try and meet up with friends

*Current installed version:

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when I respawn I have a new bag with ammo and food but I have very low blood even if i use meds in my bag I'll end up bleeding to death.

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Same exact thing is happening to me, and has been for the past 2 hours. It's almost as if the central database is corrupting newly spawned characters with othere people's data.

Here's what I posted in a different thread;

Replying to this thread with a similar experience (mods prefer deleting my threads over acknowledging the bug)

Spawning in random locations after dying or joining' date=' with random temperature/blood/hunger/hydration. Not spawning in normal spawn locations, rather in the middle of towns/guard towers. 90% of the time I spawn in hourglass mode, and I can't even use the ESC key. [b'](Seriously, get rid of this shitty system)

I hopped servers 3 times, killed myself 20-odd times, got some other people to shoot me just to be sure. It looks like the database is fucking up.

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yes got the same i only spawn on identical same spot evry time and I can even see my old corpse laying around

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"It's almost as if the central database is corrupting newly spawned characters with other people's data."

That would explain why it says I've killed 56 zombies every time I respawn. Sounds like some guy somewhere had 1500 blood or whatever when he logged off, and now everytime I respawn I get his character.

I got the hourglass thing a few times also.

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I can confirm this. I had a "fresh" character spawning with 10852,68 blood and 27 zombie kills on the counter. something is wrong!

I had been playing for a while, collecting stuff like flashlight, matches, wood, beans to get my health back up, had a decent weapon etc.. and then the server crashed. Upon reconnecting I had nothing left, standard equipment, and yet another value in the kills and blood segment.

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I had a full kit and i logged out. When i logged in i had 4700 health and like 2 stock pistol clips. I've died a few times seeing how it keeps spawning me on zombies and my latest respawn spawned me with 200 health while bleeding. Game is unplayable.

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Same, this is happening to me at the moment as well. Quite frustrating but i'm sure it'll fix soon.

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I had this same exact issue. I tried scrambling my IP, changed profiles multiple times, respawned roughly about 15 times, and on top of it i dove off of a building about 7 times to see what would happen. A few people in other servers are complaining about this as well.

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I got the same guys. Must be a global thing.

I am now a bandit spawning with 600 blood in the middle of airfields and stores with loads of loot.

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I'm having similar problems.

I'm spawning and the game tells me I've killed several zombies and players..

I have NEVER shot a player, and the game says I've killed some!

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Dito, I am spawning at random locations with random kills and random kit

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Just got the same problem too, been playing fine all day (bought Arma2 this morning to play Day Z) and now all of a sudden, whenever I spawn, I have barely any blood and am near death, every time, no matter what server I join. And my debug menu shows kill figures like 61 headshots, 5 players killed, 100 zombies etc, the most I've killed today is 12 zombies with 5 headshots lol.

Using the Arma 2 combined ops from Amazon on Windows 7 64bit

Really, really want to know what to do because it's night time now and I want to experience the terror!

Any help greatly appreciated.

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ok now i kept the same kills and looks like i spawned at the place i was yesterday

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I thought I was the only person.

Logged in today and died.... Great! :dodgy:

Once I respawn, I had low blood with 85 kills, 15 heatshots & 6 murders. Try to respawn again and I have the same problem. However, I had different stats and in a different location but I was always a bandit even tho I'am starting a fresh character.

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I have the same issue, Hopefully they fix it soon.

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