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Hackers on US 922 (video included)

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Server this happened on - US 922

Time that it happened including your timezone - Sunday, July 29th, GMT-7 (California in case I'm an idiot) Between 9:30-11PM Approx.

Hacker's Names - "Aldo" and "Andrew Haag"

What happened during the incident - We parked the north side of Ostry mountain for about 30 seconds, and despite my friend keeping lookout (and this guy is extremely good at spotting stuff), he was suddenly shot to death with what sounded like an AS50, only it was extremely close by. I hid in a tree nearby because I'm a coward and was actually alt tabbed when the attack started. I saw them moving around, and one of them walked within a few feet of me, then got in the car. I popped up and mowed em down. I saw the "was killed by friendly fire" and disconnected because that message is usually associated with hackers. I then promptly grew a pair and hopped back in a few seconds later to check their inventories, and lo and behold, hacked weapons. Just before my friend was killed, I think it was Aldo that typed "hi" into direct chat. This is important.

I then took the truck back down the coast, got my friend, and drove back up (this process probably took 10-15 minutes). On the way back, as we were driving through a field not too far from the bodies, we heard someone say "HI" and it sounded like it was literally right next to us despite being in a car. Then we took fire from an AS50, again, and my friend got killed, again. I then promptly parked the car, hopped out, and disconnected. If the hacker wants my car that bad, he can have it, I don't care.

My friend then got in a car (black SUV) with Andrew Haag after he (my friend) respawned at Solnichny (apparently the car was at the nearby gas station refueling and he bum rushed into the passengers seat) and chatted with him, during which time the hacker asked what he wanted and spawned stuff for him. He has the footage for that though, so I'll have to upload it later as it's on his computer.

Here's a video detailing it. I didn't get the actual kills on camera because I was scared and sluggish and didn't press the Fraps key fast enough. It's kinda badly edited and my voice is terrible, but it shows the kill message (including "was killed by friendly fire") and me looting them, then later on my friend getting sniped out of our car. Andrew Haag was the one with the golden AKS, Aldo was the one with the thermal AS50.


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Does that mean there was a third hacker, the one who said hi?

I'm thinking it was just Aldo again, because he's the one who typed "hi" before he AS50'd my friend to death the first time. Either that or we were just unlucky as all hell that night.

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The videos are uploading now....I will post links later when they are done.

Essentially, Andrew told me he helps gear up and transport new spawns with his hacked in gear/vehicles. I played along so I could get him on video spawning gear. And it worked brilliantly. Unfortunately the videos are broken up into 30 seconds clips since I only have the trial version of fraps.

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Ok, here's the videos. A few things of interest...

I didn't have fraps set to record my mic, so you can only hear Rhino, not me (it's alright cuz I was cussing up a storm).

In the first four videos, the only improtant thing is the text chat - where he admits to cheating... then in the last video, it shows him spawn the gear on me.



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I met this guy Andrew Hagg and i have to say he is one of the coolest people ive ever met in this game. me and 4 of my friends were in a hospital and we heard a bus, we saw andrew haag driving around and he offered to take us anywhere on the map. He was very nice and he even gave me a few items dont know if he hacks but he didnt kill us. i am guessing you guys are just ass holes and deserved it.

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I met this guy Andrew Hagg and i have to say he is one of the coolest people ive ever met in this game. me and 4 of my friends were in a hospital and we heard a bus, we saw andrew haag driving around and he offered to take us anywhere on the map. He was very nice and he even gave me a few items dont know if he hacks but he didnt kill us. i am guessing you guys are just ass holes and deserved it.

Welp, they ambushed us out of nowhere using hacked weapons, killed my friend, attempted to steal our truck even though he can spawn his own, and I simply defended our hard earned gear. You be the judge who the asshole in this situation is.

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Welp, they ambushed us out of nowhere using hacked weapons, killed my friend, attempted to steal our truck even though he can spawn his own, and I simply defended our hard earned gear. You be the judge who the asshole in this situation is.

well i guess me and my friends just got lucky. but the luck didnt last very long, we just tried entering the airfield towards the top left of the map and were killled off one by one by a hacker using an as50. now to start all over -__-

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You are probably right Brian, he did seem to be a nice guy -he did say that he hacks but doesn't kill ppl, he just helps ppl. That being said, it is still cheating.

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