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Randomly Banned in server US 1198

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I was banned from US 1198 randomly today. i was just running through a city with zombies chasing me and bam the pop-up appeared. it was the standard one that said, "You have been kicked off the server: Battleye: banned for cheating.

name: Stephen

I have not ever cheated in this game and would like to be unbanned promptly.


Edited by SrWatson

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Battleye: banned for cheating

That should pretty well let you know that the ban was not from the server admin (unless they are getting creative with their ban reason).

If it is a BE ban, then you have %0 chance of being "unbanned", by the same token, if it is a battle eye ban, then suck shit cause you are a cheater and you got what was coming to you.

Thing with battleEye is that it next to never bans someone unless they are cheating.

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This is the prompt i recieved, and I was not cheating or hacking.


Edited by SrWatson

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You may not have been right at that moment, but sometimes it takes a little time to go through the system, so you could have been banned for running a hack 1 or even 3 weeks ago.

Can you join other servers ?

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If you can join other servers then it is NOT a battleEye ban, which means the admin of the server have banned you and put the BattleEye tag on it to make you, and probably us on the forum, think that it was B.E. As you may have noticed if everyone thinks it is BattleEye then they (including myself) will just put shit on you.

Admin going out of their way to make something "seem" like a BE ban does look very much like admin abuse... (more of it :( )

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You were simply banned by the admin THROUGH Battleye. He typed in a reason that makes it look like a automatic Battleye ban.

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What is a GUID? I've only been playing a few weeks and don't know everything yet.

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This is just a normal ban made by a admin every admin ban looks like this and no they dont want to make us think its a global ban

Because if Battle Eye ban's you

you can see something like GlobalBan

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