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Weirdest shit ever...

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I have really doubt cheats existency in DayZ until today we encountered something really strange.

Well we went to a server which was almost empty. There was 3 or 4 other players at max and it was a pitch black night. So we decided to make a little loot run with our truck. We had NVGs so there was only a little risk to do so. Everything went smoothly and after few hours(3 or 4) we were going back to our base. I left a little earlier to our camp and the other guy continued driving the truck to the "hideout".

Then something extraordinary happened. 2 of those 3 other players which were on the server were exactly at our "hideout" waiting for the truck to come. I heard at the mumble that my friend got shot and there was some guys on the ridgeline shooting at him. Fortunately at that time I was on the other side of the ridgeline and my aim was ready for them to come. I waited both of them to come clearly visible and then BOOM BOOM both got shot dead.

There is basically only two rational options for this to happen, either they 1) found our tent and left there to camp. Without a perfect timing I highly doubt this and the tent was on the opposite side of the ridgeline. 2) saw our truck leaving from that spot and left there to camp? I doubt, unless they really sat there 3-4 hours and still thought we would come back to the exactly same place. Other than that is really fishy, especially when the location was at Rify-Blunt Rocks area which is not like the first place where you would camp for enemies to come. Plus where the ambush occured was a little valley where you could see only from the ridgeline(which is roughly 50x50m area). So they simply couldn't just stumble there randomly. Somehow they just knew exactly where we are coming. Luckily we pulled a longer straw this time. But yeah I guess nothing is impossible at DayZ.

P.S the base ain't there anymore LOL! and thanks for the gear at DE 528!

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You're in a truck? Maybe they heard the truck and they'd just stumbled across the camp?

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You're in a truck? Maybe they heard the truck and they'd just stumbled across the camp?

Like I stated before it's possible... but setting up an ambush on the ridgeline just before the truck coming there is another story. You can hear the truck from few hundred meters yes, but i really doubt you would then goto place where you couldn't see the actual tent. There is a tall rock wall around the little valley where the truck eventually drove in to and the tent was on the other side. So it doesn't make any sense unless they knew where the truck was coming at. From that location they couldn't see that. Unless they see through rocks.

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