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killed by invisible guy who took ~40 bullets

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so i was helping out a friend of mine who just started, we encountered a guy who had a sniper rifle, he yelled friendly and since only 1 of us (me) had a gun i yelled friendly back and while we were talking my friend found an AKM, so we gunned into him (for shame) we both fired 30 rounds at him me out of an M16A2 and him out of his AKM. i SAW them hit, mabye 20 missed or so in the hail of gunfire, but the guy somehow lived, ran off healed and came back, invisible and killed the 2 of us.

first how on earth did he survive that much fire pumped into him, even if lag made the last onse miss, you would think it would have KO'ed him

second why was he invisible the 2nd time we met him

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I have not yet seen an invisible hack. I have seen several where the teleport almost right to you (within 50 meters or so) then can kill you.

the invicinile thing is fairly common as well. they can have a "god mode" that they can never be killed. He most likely wasn't going away to heal, but more to enable more hacks.

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i don't think a hacker would call friendly i thought it was just a glitch

then again ghillie suit, NV goggle, M107.... and hanging around elektrogorsk

Edited by nilloc93

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i don't think a hacker would call friendly i thought it was just a glitch

It seems to me Karma came back and bit you on the ass.. Why call friendly then gun him down..

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Sounds like a glitch, also, how can you possibly know it was him who was 'invisible' the second time you met him.


Meh, that's what you get for calling friendly and firing, shame you didn't loose better gear tbh.

Edited by Korax

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because after he shot my friend he said "thats for shooting at me asshole"

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Chances are you got shot by someone else, (he could have had a friend that you and yours didn't notice).

You can be popped from a fair distance. Immediate hackusation calls are pretty much the sign of a poor loser.

Either way, you deserved it.

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dude i SAW the smoke from his gun, inside the building i was in, i've been playing DayZ for a long time, ARMA 2 even longer before that i know how to tell what a long range gun is, and i'm not a sore looser i'm asking wtf that was about, dying is part of the game, so quit your preachy uptight "you deserved it" bullshit.

everyone deserves it in this game thats why 90% of the population are bandits.

this thread is not about whether or not it was cheap of me to unload on that guy, i made it to find out how he survived 40 bullets

Edited by nilloc93

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dude i SAW the smoke from his gun, inside the building i was in, i've been playing DayZ for a long time, ARMA 2 even longer before that i know how to tell what a long range gun is, and i'm not a sore looser i'm asking wtf that was about, dying is part of the game, so quit your preachy uptight "you deserved it" bullshit.

everyone deserves it in this game thats why 90% of the population are bandits.

this thread is not about whether or not it was cheap of me to unload on that guy, i made it to find out how he survived 40 bullets

You've been in Day Z so long and yet dont' know about hackers?

Or maybe you just missed and you're butthurt.

I'll go with the second one. HAHAHAHAA.

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i am not buthurt about dying lol, i'll be back at full gear with ~5 murders by tomorrow so its not big loss for me, just wondering if people think its a glitch or a hack

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if it helps heal your case of butthurt, last night me and 7 others had just come out of NW airfield and were in treeline east of grishino. We stopped to thermal scan back into town because lots of zed were there. Spotted some dude in treeline who then disappeared. About a minute later we hear one m1911 shot from within our group .... everyone swears they didnt shoot and we dismiss it as someone alt-tabbing and pressing LMB. Another minute later one of the guys starts taking point blank shots from a 1911 and we could all see the smoke coming from gunshots at a tree no more than 5 meters away.. but no person in there. We then take rifle fire from another direction.. one man down.. we all run in every direction.

I circled the "shooting tree" three or four times, could see the smoke from 1911 shots but definitely no visible person there.

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