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To the hackers on US128

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Haha you fucking fail you have a hacked chopper and you even made us land to bandage and we still shot you down fags get a life and stop hacking in a video game btw HF with your ban.

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There can be more than a single chopper on a server.

Edited by The Hopper

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Choppers are not hacked, they were readded with the recent 0.7.2. Update from the HIVE.

I have read there can be up to three choppers per server.

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I know they we're added into the update lmao my group has the only one in the server. And no there can only be 1 per server. hey ravin i have all screens and other stuff could i talk to you about getting them banned? And yes the chopper was hacked because one of the bodies had a G36c silenced.

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Where you get this info from of one per server?? i already told you i have found 2 on one server already.

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Negative my good Sir. There can be up to three. Choppers have new spawn positions and mechanics. Just like there can be multiple types of the same car on the server, there can be multiple choppers because there are multiple spawns locations.

This is what I have read from rather informed individuals, and seen several OTHER threads talking about servers with more than one Chopper. Its not isolated at all. Its just a bunch of people happy go lucky and excited with new toys like children.

Now if its not the UH-1, I think is the name, then its hacked and we can discuss a ban.

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Where you get this info from of one per server?? i already told you i have found 2 on one server already.

I got it from everyone on the forums and anyone ive asked has said there is only 1, Anyways just check the logs + im guessing you're going to say the G36c is a legit weapon too?

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This thread has nothing to do with a G36c. It has to do with a claim that you saw another chopper on the server.

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Do you have a picture to do with this G36c being found ?

Yes i have a couple pictures of the crash/G36c + we took the G36c and put it in a tent just in case you guys want it to destroy it or as proof or something.

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Yes i have a couple pictures of the crash/G36c + we took the G36c and put it in a tent just in case you guys want it to destroy it or as proof or something.

Why would we want to destroy it?

You're acting like we are the hackers.

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This thread has nothing to do with a G36c. It has to do with a claim that you saw another chopper on the server.

Ok well i have plenty of pics if you want, I can come in your ts3 if you want to talk. And i can give you cords to the crash

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Only one chopper per server (From the horse's mouth - Ander)


Yes, this was posted this morning, beforehand it was not. Meaning if two choppers had spawned on the server, they can find them until they are destroyed or despawn. Meaning for the last, two days from the GIVE 0.7.2. there are potientally some servers that have up to three choppers until they go back into rotation.

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Yes i have a couple pictures of the crash/G36c + we took the G36c and put it in a tent just in case you guys want it to destroy it or as proof or something.

My bad. I read your post wrong.

My apologies.

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About the Chopper - If there are multiple Choppers I can't just go "Lnxa, your Chopper is legit" because an individual can come on and claim the same thing against you and say yours isn't legit. It becomes a simple blaming game and from recent posts, despite what Ander has said this morning, have reported more than one Chopper on several servers. This might be a bug and should be reported.

About the G36C - Finding a hacked item isn't grounds for banning. If you fire the weapon enough Battleeye does it for you. Finding it in a Tent or on a person doesn't exactly claim they hacked it in. It could mean a number of things, they found it in a tent/car or killed someone with it. That is like claiming if someone saw you with a G36C you brought back to a tent as 'proof' then killed you with it and reported it. If I just banned you on the spot for having it and not actually knowing where it came from (which I can't.) you would be pretty upset. Plus, DayZ frowns upon me just banning people. I have to gather up the information before banning someone and then do it.

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I doubt they were hacking. A hacker could also just make themselves invulnerable, and if they really wanted to could just teleport your buddies into the air and let the chopper crash. Or teleport one of their buddies into the pilot seat after instakilling you.

They probably just had a chopper and you're mad you couldn't have it all to yourself.

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I doubt they were hacking. A hacker could also just make themselves invulnerable, and if they really wanted to could just teleport your buddies into the air and let the chopper crash. Or teleport one of their buddies into the pilot seat after instakilling you.

They probably just had a chopper and you're mad you couldn't have it all to yourself.

We already had a chopper. _The_ chopper, per Ander's post. We were suspect of it when the guys saw it flying near them (we were flying our chopper), then presumed it to be script-kiddie-piloted once we shot it down and saw one of the guys had the G36C SD on him. One of our guys reported the chopper looked red to him, which is odd. I wasn't playing when this happened, but I was listening on vent and have seen the screen shots. I didn't log in because I figured the same thing, that they would nuke the server, or something, in retribution.

Sounds like it's possible that their heli wasn't scripted in, but I doubt it.

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Sounds like it's possible that their heli wasn't scripted in, but I doubt it.

As long as there IS that possibility, I can't do anything. I know it sucks.

As an Admin, I can "- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc."


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They're at it again tonight. While my group was on their way to provide support they saw two choppers and a black SUV spawn in the distance, right in front of them. There were two choppers flying around before this (besides our legit one). Since we shot one down last night, there's definitely some script-kiddies at work here. Shortly after, our group was engaged by the cheaters and after taking single shots each, reported dieing with extreme negative blood numbers (negative 100k-300k).

A bit later, one of our guys killed someone in Elektro who had another G36C SD. He was shot and killed through a wall, soon after.

The guys in the chopper yesterday were '{SPLAT} Brad' and 'Jacob'. 'Jacob' is in again tonight, but the other guy presumably changed his name.

If you could advise us on how to properly report these guys, it would be appreciated.

Annnnd now they're spawning invincible AI in ghillies at our camp This right after someone was running around our camp with a grenade launcher. One of our guys engaged him and he ran off before this occured. Apparently the AI built a fort, of sorts, by our camp. GG.

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You camp will come back at the restart at the items they are spawning don't save to the HIVE.

I need a FRAPS, for the sixtieth time. I know you see a hacker, whatever is going on as I have many people telling me. You all are missing the one thing I need so I can DO something about it.

I need a FRAPS with their name. So I can ban their GUID and post it in the support.

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