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Jen (DayZ)

Can't join any servers

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I installed PMC last night for high res textures while playing DayZ and I was having no problems. I log on tonight after I get home from work, and the first error message I get is from starting up the game.


After I click okay, the game loads into the main menu where I'm greeted with this error message.


Now, when I try to join ANY server, I get this (refer to video below):


Please guys, I'm desperate here. Not sure what I could have done to cause this.. but any help whatsoever would result in a mountain of beans!

Edited by Jen

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I have the same problem when I try to join a DayZ server after launching the game through Steam. When I launch it though Six Launcher I get the "CA_Dubbing_Countaerattack" problem. I have no other games I want to play so it is becoming very frustrating.

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It was working PERFECTLY fine this morning around 8AM. I then turn off the computer and go to bed. I come back on tonight and it's acting up. This just killed my night.. Any help out there, please?

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