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Numerous Odd and Annoying Happenings

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May 23, 2012

1700 hrs Eastern Time (US)


Server on: various (Virginia 11, TX4, Dallas 4 I believe)


1. Loss of character due to lack of food although I had just eaten before loosing connection.

2. Respawning in featureless wasteland outside of normal spawn areas.

3. Respawn as bandit although I had been killed by another player, I had not killed anyone.

4. Loss of gear gathered during a previous spawn.

5. Spawning with credit for kills I had not made and unexplained blood loss.

Logged onto server for first time in about 48 hours to a character I've had for about 5 days. When I log in I immediately need to eat and drink, I eat my last can of beans. Just a few minutes later I loose connection and am dumped out of the server. I log back in and I am starving again even though I just ate, I am loosing blood and have nothing left to eat. I know there are 2 buildings about 6-800 yards away so I head toward them running as fast as I can, hoping to find food. I make it to the first building, a barn, and I run through it looking for food. Nothing but empty cans and a jerry can of gas. I run to the next barn and again nothing but empty cans.

Then I hear gunshots, I'm hit. I go prone, I am shot again, dead. All because I was so desperate for food (that I should not have needed since I just ate!) I've been killed, lost all my gear and have to start over.

So I log back in. I re-spawn in the middle of nowhere, no trees, no landmarks, no notice of where I've spawned. Just me and 3-4 dead survivors lying on the ground, and one dead bandit. Looks like others are spawning in this odd place and killing one another. I search everyone and find loads of food, water and Makarov ammo. So I figure I will make the best of this glitch so I load up with loot. Then I notice that I am now a bandit!! I've never shot another player, ever!

So I log out, and log back in to see if I am relocated to a "real place" in Chernarus. I do spawn somewhere on the map, still as a bandit, but again I am not told where I am spawning. All the ammo, beans etc I had gathered at previous spawn is gone. I see some buildings near by and I head toward them. I avoid a few zeds and enter a building but find nothing. I then start loosing connection again and finally end up back in the lobby after about a minute.

So I log in again, this time I am spawned near Kozlovka right beside a deer stand, which I think is cool since there is supposed to be good loot in deer stands, but this one is empty. I then notice I am no longer a bandit, and I have 6 zombies kills even though I've just spawned and have not fired my weapon, I am also down on blood just slightly. I move to a nearby barn, look for loot and find some beans. But Zeds show up and the FPS goes to crap and I loose half my blood engaging 6 Zeds. And then I loose connection once again!

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