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Chris Bain

What a way to die! [Bad admins!] Share your stories!

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I just bought the game this week to play with a few friends from work. First off, let me say; this game is scary. And I don't scare easily.

So my first map I load up, I'm on the coast of god knows where (at night mind you). Here I am, not at all aware of the controls, standing there in pitch dark trying to find out how to use my damn flashlight. All around me, or so it seems, are dozens of zombies. Decidedly, I saw the tree-lines, and headed for them. Slowly crouching my way there I'm fiddling with my options with the flashlight. Suddenly I got stuck on a piece of hill desperately trying to figure out the numerous controls. Finally, my flashlight turns on! Now I am staring at a jagged piece of hill for less than 2 seconds and a sniper round kills me.

That was my first funny experience.

My second attempt I decided to traverse a day server. I figured why not? At least in the day I can get a handle on what's going on, or at least SEE what was happening. Needless to say, I much like everyone else around towns, found myself crawling everywhere I went. Petrified of a relentless zombie gourge. My friend and his cousin log on and we can finally figure out how to meet up. I ALT+Tab my way into seeing a explorer map of the game. Tabbing in and out, trying to make sure I'm not getting eaten alive or shot in the back. I finally find my position on the map by the surrounding landscape and landmarks, I tab in. Notice a lot of people are suddenly dying. Thinking that's one big city brawl, and since I'm out in the country, I have nothing to worry about. Tabbing back to the map just to make sure I have my coordinates, I confirmed my position, tabbed back into the game and I was teleported to a town, with a dozen or so unaware players, as shots fired from players unconfirmed. That's where I died; among a pile of teleported players in the middle of town.

This game is crazy!

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My clan and I were heading to a crashed helicopter site (about 8 of us well armed with m4's and as50s) when our ulag got shot at. We found where the shots came from and drove to the road to flank them. The shooters (4 of them and they were obviously noobs) drove down and tried to run us over, we slaughtered all of them. looted their bodies (2 alt f4'd), and took their still working truck. About 5km from our base camp the admin who was a part of that group and also a hacker blew up both of our trucks simultaneous. He teleported there and stood looking at us with a red bandana and face paint that none of us had seen before. We lost all our gear and he raided our camp. This was server US 709 so if you want to keep your valuables don't kill their hacking admin.

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The last two times I have died have been while the screen was still black and I could just see all my food/water/life signs on the side. Before I even get to see my character I was dead. Both times with high end gear hasn't happened yet when I'm just in noobie gear. Both times also laying prone in trees as I'm paranoid. Not sure if it was the same server but it just seems a bit to unbelievable to me. Seeing the hourglass pop up before you even see your character, dead.

I'll give it one more shot I guess then wait till beta or until the apparent hacking is delt with.

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I just bought the game this week to play with a few friends from work. First off, let me say; this game is scary. And I don't scare easily.

So my first map I load up, I'm on the coast of god knows where (at night mind you). Here I am, not at all aware of the controls, standing there in pitch dark trying to find out how to use my damn flashlight. All around me, or so it seems, are dozens of zombies. Decidedly, I saw the tree-lines, and headed for them. Slowly crouching my way there I'm fiddling with my options with the flashlight. Suddenly I got stuck on a piece of hill desperately trying to figure out the numerous controls. Finally, my flashlight turns on! Now I am staring at a jagged piece of hill for less than 2 seconds and a sniper round kills me.

That was my first funny experience.

My second attempt I decided to traverse a day server. I figured why not? At least in the day I can get a handle on what's going on, or at least SEE what was happening. Needless to say, I much like everyone else around towns, found myself crawling everywhere I went. Petrified of a relentless zombie gourge. My friend and his cousin log on and we can finally figure out how to meet up. I ALT+Tab my way into seeing a explorer map of the game. Tabbing in and out, trying to make sure I'm not getting eaten alive or shot in the back. I finally find my position on the map by the surrounding landscape and landmarks, I tab in. Notice a lot of people are suddenly dying. Thinking that's one big city brawl, and since I'm out in the country, I have nothing to worry about. Tabbing back to the map just to make sure I have my coordinates, I confirmed my position, tabbed back into the game and I was teleported to a town, with a dozen or so unaware players, as shots fired from players unconfirmed. That's where I died; among a pile of teleported players in the middle of town.

This game is crazy!

Fyi, that was a hacker. Admins do not have the power to teleport players. They can only kick and ban.

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