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Remove high-tech tactical devices

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so youre saying if a zombie outbreak happened all the nvg and millions of thermal scopes in the world would just break or disappear? if they removed nvg night would be too easy for bandits and there is only one thermal scope gun in the game and its rare as hell ive never even seen one..i think nvg and stuff should be rarer though up to 5 heli crashes per server is alot..back to your point though those are US military crashed helis why wouldnt they have military guns? the airstrip should have more russian guns though instead of m16s and m4s..helis should be american gun loots.


Considering the state of the buildings and how rusted-out the cars are, things like batteries probably would be long buried or dead already by people who would have used them to power their crappy lights.

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Love how people act like you can get NVG's from Walmart or Cabella's and are just lying around everywhere IRL so they should be in game.

NVG's are operated in two basic ways, One is through illumination via IR the other is through light amplification. Nearly 100% of civilian available NVG's opperate with IR this means they work to a specific range based on the IR iluminator (think flashlight) past this range they don't work. Also anyone else with NVG's would be able to see your IR beam so you would become a target. If you haven't used NVG's like this I would suggest it, they suck you can't see out past 20-30 feet with anything that you would be able to reliably find IRL. Also sale and distribution of high end NVG's is highly regulated because Uncle sam does not want the technology or hardware available to other countries for issue or duplication.

Realism can be swayed to either argument because yes nearly everything should be available, but also as the server/mod has been going on for months and the setting occurs sometime after society's collapse one could also say that nearly everythign good has been looted already. I think this is a null arguement because of this.

Citing rarity ie loot spawn chance is a completely false arguement. Because loot respawns it can be farmed this means that percent to drop is more of a time factor than an actual rarity factor. The fact is people/groups will spend prolonged periods of time farming high end spawns and aquire all of the "rare" equipment. This is the most legit way of getting this gear, as it can be duplicated by any other player and those farming are exposed to risk while they farm. I would venture to say that more than 50 percent of gear is not obtained from loot spawns though, instead it is obtained through scripting or organized server restarts. (Admin restarts at a time when their group will be able to scramble across server to find helicopter crashes) Because of these factors rarity is not a justification for anything being in the game, even if hacking is eliminated any type of respawning loot mechanic is going to be exploited/farmed.

Because of these factors I think that the extremley high end equipment should be nerfed, I'm not for total removal but instead agree that a battery type of system needs to be implemented. I understand that they would be open to exploitation just as all gear is but if they to have a .01% chance of spawn in the same locations as the items are found some balance would be brought to the items and it would remain authentic. (There is a reason I and others pay almost 2k for a sight that doesn't use batteries, because it eliminates one more thing you need to be dependent on)

Off topic but people saying the military would squash any type of infected/zombie outbreak is completely false IMO. A large segment of our active duty military is based over seas and national/guard reservists would be exposed as civilians prior to their deployment. You are also throwning out consideration of viral spread of whatever is causing people to change, direct contact (biting/scratch) is effective but a weaponized virus/bacteria (Lets be realistic this would have to be some type of weapon) would look to be more effecient and would likely be able to spread via airborn tansmission. Also the period in wich a victim is contagious would be well before symptoms are shown this is what makes a virus hard to contain. Because of these factors I think it would be safe to say that the military would not be able to handle this type of scenario, they would be overwhelmed before they even knew their was an enemy to fight.

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Are you people seriously arguing about realism in a game that involves the walking dead that can run for days on end without their insides liquefying or rotting?

Off topic but people saying the military would squash any type of infected/zombie outbreak is completely false IMO. A large segment of our active duty military is based over seas and national/guard reservists would be exposed as civilians prior to their deployment. You are also throwning out consideration of viral spread of whatever is causing people to change, direct contact (biting/scratch) is effective but a weaponized virus/bacteria (Lets be realistic this would have to be some type of weapon) would look to be more effecient and would likely be able to spread via airborn tansmission. Also the period in wich a victim is contagious would be well before symptoms are shown this is what makes a virus hard to contain. Because of these factors I think it would be safe to say that the military would not be able to handle this type of scenario, they would be overwhelmed before they even knew their was an enemy to fight.

An outbreak wouldn't last at all, zombies literally cannot happen in any sense of the word. I find it hilarious that people are stupid enough to try and rationalise a zombie outbreak.

You people are making it sound like NVGs and AS50s etc. are everywhere in this game, they're not.

Considering the state of the buildings and how rusted-out the cars are, things like batteries probably would be long buried or dead already by people who would have used them to power their crappy lights.

It's set in a former Eastern-bloc nation that's suffered massive economic hardship, technically it's in the middle of a civil war. Of course it's going to be in a terrible state.

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Maybe I just do not know the whole back story, but all the characters seem military inclined. We are not playing as average civilians, so using high tech equipment would be something that we could all do. Who is to say that there are no satellites? All we know is that this Island is over run with Zombies and we are stuck here. There is no indication that the entire world has been over taken. Can someone point to me where it says the entire is over run with zombies?

I say keep the tech gear. Those who invest more time will have more high tech gear. Also, we are raiding military installations. I bet they will have high tech gear as well. Zombies do not automatically mean all things created after 1950 go away. Heck, there are a lot more high tech things then nvgs, gps. A blood transfusion is pretty advanced medical technology. Keep the weapons and equipment as it is.

*Correction: I see that the world has been hit by a new virus that has wiped out most of the world. That being said, it would not knock all the satellites our of orbit. Granted, we would not be able to change their course.

Edited by Cvm

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Are you people seriously arguing about realism in a game that involves the walking dead that can run for days on end without their insides liquefying or rotting?

An outbreak wouldn't last at all, zombies literally cannot happen in any sense of the word. I find it hilarious that people are stupid enough to try and rationalise a zombie outbreak.

You people are making it sound like NVGs and AS50s etc. are everywhere in this game, they're not.

They aren't walking dead they are living people that are infected with a virus, ie 28 days later. They do eat as most players can attest I've yet to see one drinkning though....

I did not say the dead would rise from their graves, or people would reanimate after death. I spoke about a viral outbreak that would somehow change people into base animals with a vandetta against non infected. Kind of like being high on bath salts I guess....

They are everywhere, if you have a decent group or your own server you will amass a nice collection of "rare" loot. Add to this the countless number of no skill scripter/hackers that spawn in gear and then lose it to other players and there are to many high end weapons. If weapons in player position was measured against spawn rates we are way over what is intended.

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