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That ain't prrof. That's photoshopping right there. Dirty troll.

This guy earned his lulz lol. But let's get back on topic. Has someone with the power to review the evidence taken a look at this thread yet? adharma derailed it pretty hard lol.

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I'm not derailing anything. I'm trying to protect my server for malicious and unrelenting false accusations from know-it-alls that are obviously either too poor or too young to afford their own servers so leech their leechy ways off other peoples money and cry when they don't get their own way. You can't come in here and expect someone who is PAYING FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT to be happy you're talking shit about them.

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Dude, you're not even trying anymore.

For OP, dropped in a support ticket?

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So, this thread has been here for more than a month and no one with the power to review the evidence has commented? Was it because the original posted didn't follow the criteria in the sticky in this subforum? if so should i repost this using the correct format so that it will be reviewed?

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