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US 1103 - Autobots - Server Discussion

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SERVER NOTICE: The server is not going to be paid for anymore, so if you do frequent it I would suggest moving your camp to another server before this one shuts down!

I apologize, but the admin has lost interest in DayZ and doesn't see the point of paying 50$ for a server he doesn't play! Hopefully you can move your camps successfully! GOOD LUCK!

-:Server Status:-


-:Server Admins:-

[Admin] CheWey

[Co-Admin] Starsky

-:Server Settings/Rules:-

[Difficulty:] Veteran

[Crosshair:] Disabled

[3rd Person:] Enabled


  • We do 10 minute warnings before restarts.
  • We do not abuse admin powers, we do not kick people to get in.
  • We won't ban you if you rob our base. (Its bad when you have to advertise this due to crappy admins)
  • The server is usually kept to daytime, but we do let it go to night time for a few hours, or the occasional full night.
  • We do not support Combat DC. It has been stated as an exploit so DON'T DO IT.

This thread is to discuss our server,

if you need to report a hacker here,

please supply hard evidence.

We do enjoy feeback, so don't be shy!


Edited by st4rskee
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Bump! We need more dedicated players and clans! Check it out and feedback would be very appreciated!

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Would love to play, your rules are respectable and fair but... it doesn't come up for me on six launcher or the Main game.

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Me and my friend arededicated players, but we searched for days after a car but didnt find any, are cars turned off or so?

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Would love to play, your rules are respectable and fair but... it doesn't come up for me on six launcher or the Main game.

Thats weird, the IP is, but I would suggest not making it your home, the actually admin has decided to stop paying for a server. He has lost interest in DayZ. Sorry :(, the sever will be shutting down in a few weeks.

Me and my friend arededicated players, but we searched for days after a car but didnt find any, are cars turned off or so?

Hey yea, I've seen you on the server quite a bit, hope your enjoying your stay! And about the cars, either someone is hoarding them really well and not using them. Or something fishy is up, because I noticed the same thing. But as I stated up above, the server will be ending in a few weeks. So if you do have a camp, Id suggest maybe moving it to another server or getting your gear before the server is shut down.

Edited by st4rskee

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