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Ok..who wants to help me..straight swap inside

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Dont get attached to your gear. I'm not..but i am to my char :D He's a good upstanding lad , no murders and 1 bandit kill, headshot with the Enfield too , right after he killed my partner and long time travelling companion, bastid. Anyway..

I ran from NW airfield to Barezino in the rain, on and off for some time at about 4am game time. Now my dude is sick. Got his temp up with a fire and i have been keeping his blood up with animals kills so that side is good , but the coughing is driving him nuts. And totally killing his stealthy ways. Sneak sneak sneak * HACK SPLURT HACK ! * RUN RUN RUN ! so yeh... heres my deal.

one of these...plus 4 normal stanag mags and 1 sd mag.

for some of this..

I know it is not the best deal ever but its all i have that is worth anything. Unless you want a truckload of cooked meat :D

If someone wants to do the deal , i am currently at Berezino coughing my ring up on top of the hospital. I wont be on for anther 6 hours from now when it will be 5.30 EST (australia) ..we are gmt +10. I use US servers because of the low ping kick from aussie ones.

If anyone wants to do the trade just PM me and i will give you the server details and location of where i will drop the weapon when i get home..about 5 hours from now. I propose to just drop the m4a3 and mags in an open field away from zeds near Berezino, i will mark it with a fireplace and then observe. Of course, its a risk..could be a trap, or it could just be legit.

I expect whoever even considers this trade will come with backup, i have none as my parter is making her way up from Kamyshovo...( she is a terrible shot anyway ..sssshhhh )

Any takers ?

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Damn, would've loved to help. Had some antibio's in my tent, went to check but looks like the tent either glitched and lost all contents, or it has been raided. Im thinking the former as it is fairly well in the middle of nowhere.

Hope you get some soon. If I come across any I'll be sure to let you know mate.

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I think i have a few Antibiotics in the truck i stole from Pustoshka.

I'll give you an antibiotic for the ammo and a jerry can :D?

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I would give you some for free as i found two yesterday at Berezino, but i'm in EU and i will be probably sleeping when you get on :(

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Damn, would've loved to help. Had some antibio's in my tent, went to check but looks like the tent either glitched and lost all contents, or it has been raided. Im thinking the former as it is fairly well in the middle of nowhere.

Hope you get some soon. If I come across any I'll be sure to let you know mate.

Hopefully i will be fixed tonight , but thanks anyway . :)

I think i have a few Antibiotics in the truck i stole from Pustoshka.

I'll give you an antibiotic for the ammo and a jerry can :D?

Just the ammo ? ..i'm sure i can find a Jerry if you are serious, i just need to dump a bit of meat :)

I would give you some for free as i found two yesterday at Berezino, but i'm in EU and i will be probably sleeping when you get on :(

Bummer , I have found about 5 or 6 packs in a couple of months but never had to use them so i have always dumped them back at the hospital hoping somone could use them.

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Sent you a PM, if i not fall asleep till then i'm still up to give you antibiotics :)

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X marks the spot..

Sorry for full ms paint skillage, i'm at work .

Edited by Hetstaine

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Thanks for all of the offers of help guys :) Just to wrap this little tale up..

i logged in and the cough was gone, was not losing any blood, my dude had been touched by the hand of god..its a miracle he cried ! A mate jumped on , spawned near Elektro so we started running towards each other, full dark server. I ended running up beside the Quarry at Solchiniy on my way down the coast, and found a Tractor at the top..now..all i have ever found is a couple of bicycles an atv in the middle of nowhere and a bus in Elektro. I sorta got a bit excited and jumped in, reversed into a tree and then blew up, was chucked clear and bled out on the ground with the 5 minute timer.

Such is life in Dayz.

Cheers again all who replied :beans:

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