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A Metal Viking

Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3

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Looking for a DayZ Partner to join group of 3.

Prefer the more serious type I guess, but good to have a laugh,

and a MIC is a must.

Age of 18+

We are a decent group of players that use a more tactical approach.

We watch each others backs, and try to stick together to survive.

Preferably be from Europe due to ping issues, we are from the UK.

We use Skype/Mumble atm. Talk soon maybe =)

Edited by A Metal Viking

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Well, shit. Haha. I'm 16 years old, but I don't think it should matter that much. Frankly, I turn 17 pretty soon. I live in the United States, but I have a few UK friends, and we can still find decent servers to share.

I have Mumble and Skype, and obviously a microphone.

If you want a profile, here: http://youtube.com/gtotechnology OR http://youtube.com/gtogaming (newer channel)

Uh.. I guess that's it. I know I'm not the perfect match, but I hope you can reconsider :)

Edited by GeekPlaya

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Where abouts in the UK are you guys from and what's your aim in the game?

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I'll join, I'm 21 and am looking for people to play with!

edit: sorry, didn't read it all. I'm in US.

Edited by Smash250

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I'll join, I'm 21 and am looking for people to play with!

edit: sorry, didn't read it all. I'm in US.

Haha, it's like we're following each other :P

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