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To the player who saved me

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So I'm posting this in the infintesibly small odds that he will see this. I was just playing on a random 55 player server (the reason I don't know how to find him) and as I was looting the outer firehouse of Elektro I managed to get sniped after falling off the peak of the tower and i was down to about 2k health and since i had just been knocked out about ten seconds before I knew this was to be the end, but then miraculously I stopped bleeding out then I got full blood then my still half full Unconscious timer disappeared and I was alive! So i see that a player named Owner was to my left looking for the sniper, he was using an AK 74 with a Kobra and had a Czech backpack, whereas i was using an AK 74 and had an Alice pack so I immediately registered this guy as friendly, considering he hadn't taken my ammo and backpack, and not just some dick who got me up so he could shoot me in the face. He ended up being shot so i bandaged him and as we finally start looking for the Sniper the Damn server restarts.

So I am making this Thread in hopes that he will somehow see it, thank you so much for saving me I was having a pretty rough time and on the impossible chance that you see this I would love to play with you some time, so send me a message on skype at dleuzzo if you are interested and if not, shit thats fine too I just hope you know that I appreciate what you did.

Edited by kreashion
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