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Word to the Wise

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I've been playing DayZ for about two weeks now, and loving every single second of it. I came over to the forums to investigate a problem I've been having with the in-game screen tear, this is besides the point.

From what I've gathered by what's been posted here on the forums, the people who play DayZ expect it to be a magical world filled with rainbows and butterflies where all the people gather up and hold hands, in the morning we will all wake up to the sounds of birds chirping and sing kum ba yah around the campfire before bed time.

Grow. Up. In a real zombie apocalypse humans would revert to their primal natures, they would in fact kill or be killed, and those quick to trust would be the first to die. This may sound cynical, but its the truth, and if you don't like it go play Viva Pinata and skip around your room. But if you like the grimy, hardcore, quick reaction time, shoot or die, risk reward system of DayZ; keep being awesome, grab your AK, and keep your head down.

EDIT: Typo

Edited by Contrastination
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If I hear the line 'in a real zombie apocalypse...' one more time, I think my head will explode.

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:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: - This is quite possible one of the most logical posts I've read all day.

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If I hear the line 'in a real zombie apocalypse...' one more time, I think my head will explode.

Of course no one actually knows what WOULD happen in a "real" zombie apocalypse. However the reference to said situation can be compared to any other event in which there is a constant fear of death and a ever growing lack of resources. The nature in which i'm referring to has been repeated time and again since the beginning of human history. "War", as we like to call it, is the "organized" version of this behavior, humans have slaughtered each other for resources, for power, for whatever reason you can think of. People would, and have, fight for these resources, killing their opponent if necessary, they would shoot people, and take their things so they could stay alive longer, and there would be the occasional wack-jobs who would kill for the sport of it. Survival is the greatest drive for any species.

Edited by Contrastination

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I agree about the DayZ stuff, but don't tell me that in a "real zombocalypse" everyone would go rambo.

Most of the people would still group up because of the better chanches of survival.

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I agree about the DayZ stuff, but don't tell me that in a "real zombocalypse" everyone would go rambo.

Most of the people would still group up because of the better chanches of survival.

Agreed, it would not be every man for himself. There would be bands of people running around together. But that group would be slow to trust one who was not their own. Which is exactly whats happens in DayZ, just on a smaller scale.

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The greatest drive for any species is to perpetuate its genes. And if 'survival' is the greatest drive for humans, then why do people commit suicide?

If we're talking hypothetically about what people would do in such a situation, I'd imagine there'd be a great deal more shagging going on amongst immune peoples.

Also, I like killing people in this game.

Edited by Cluckles

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The greatest drive for any species is to perpetuate its genes. And if 'survival' is the greatest drive for humans, then why do people commit suicide?

If we're talking hypothetically about what people would do in such a situation, I'd imagine there'd be a great deal more shagging going on amongst immune peoples.

Also, I like killing people in this game.

Survival of the species, yes. Humans have the ability to ignore these drives and do whatever they please, this is where suicide comes from, its why you here stories of people sacrificing themselves for others, and it's what makes us unique as a species. It's also why you would have people who would try to do good, even after everything has gone to hell, and those people, would probably not last very long. I'm not speaking in absolutes, this is all obviously hypothetical. I'm merely suggesting what I'm quite certain the status would be in a post-apocalyptic world, based on what the past has shown us, because really, what else do we have to go on?

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You are gravely mistaken not all of humanity is so stupid as to revert to kill or be killed. There is safety in numbers, so more likely the majority would team together to continue living what would be a new life and then there would be a minority of people that would just kill everyone because of their own personal green. In Dayz since played by a bunch of savages there is very little hope to do anything but kill everyone around you. And in the even of a actual zombie apocalypse lol, my friends and I have had for quite some time detailed plan's of action and in it we don't start killing others unless we have to.

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you here stories of people sacrificing themselves for others, and it's what makes us unique as a species.

What about numerous eusocial insect species, such as serritermes serrifer (a genus of termites), whose individuals explode themselves via autothysis to kill hive intruders? They're not humans.

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I understand the notion that there would be far more crime in a situation where there is no police force, but however humans are a very cooperative species (we evolved mechanisms such as language for the purpose of cooperative survival). To suggest that people who cooperate with conspecifics would be likelier to die is surely incorrect.

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You are gravely mistaken not all of humanity is so stupid as to revert to kill or be killed. There is safety in numbers, so more likely the majority would team together to continue living what would be a new life and then there would be a minority of people that would just kill everyone because of their own personal green. In Dayz since played by a bunch of savages there is very little hope to do anything but kill everyone around you. And in the even of a actual zombie apocalypse lol, my friends and I have had for quite some time detailed plan's of action and in it we don't start killing others unless we have to.

Weeks or even months after the Zombie break-out you wouldn't. Most wouldn't. But once food starts getting scarce, that's when it would hit the fan. And before you say "oh well I would just go hunt animals", Okay, good for you, if YOU have the ability to hunt, clean, and cook, animals, or you have the means to work a farm, more power to you. 95% of the world doesn't. That leaves us with what resources are left over. Blood will be spilled to acquire them.

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What about numerous eusocial insect species, such as serritermes serrifer (a genus of termites), whose individuals explode themselves via autothysis to kill hive intruders? They're not humans.

I was referring to the fact that we can ignore our primal urges so easily, a termite killing itself is in its genetic code, it's as natural to them as walking, survival of the species. A more prominent argument would be a case where a termite got the heck out of dodge when the invaders came a knockin'.

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Well no, you explicitly said that humans are the only species who sacrifice themselves for others - that's what I was referring to.

Also, to simplify the human psychological phenotype to an 'ability to ignore primal urges' would bring many a cognitive / biological / social psychologist to the brink of suicide, I'm sure

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Weeks or even months after the Zombie break-out you wouldn't. Most wouldn't. But once food starts getting scarce, that's when it would hit the fan. And before you say "oh well I would just go hunt animals", Okay, good for you, if YOU have the ability to hunt, clean, and cook, animals, or you have the means to work a farm, more power to you. 95% of the world doesn't. That leaves us with what resources are left over. Blood will be spilled to acquire them.

Sure shit would get intense after time, but imagine you having a skilled hunter in your group, or a farmer to set up camp in the wilderness and grow stuff. Win all the time. You would probably protect his life with yours if necessary.

Hence i agree with your other post about groups being really untrusting when approaching another survivor or group.

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Well no, you explicitly said that humans are the only species who sacrifice themselves for others - that's what I was referring to.

Also, to simplify the human psychological phenotype to an 'ability to ignore primal urges' would bring many a cognitive / biological / social psychologist to the brink of suicide, I'm sure

"Humans have the ability to ignore these drives and do whatever they please, this is where suicide comes from, it's why you here stories of people sacrificing themselves for others, and it's what makes us unique as a species." It's refers to the italicized portion. My grammar is sound.

EDIT: Also, I didn't simplify the base psychoanalysis of an entire species down to its ability to ignore primal urges. I merely stated that this ability is a characteristic of said species.

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You can't simplify psychological phenomena to 'an ability to ignore drives'. Suicide is a result of severe clinical depression which has a multitude of complicated factors ranging from social to biological. If it were as simple as you put it, mental illnesses would be incredibly easy to treat.

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My grammar is sound.

Well, your grammar might be sound, but unfortunately your psychological explanations were surpassed in the 1700's

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You can't simplify psychological phenomena to 'an ability to ignore drives'. Suicide is a result of severe clinical depression which has a multitude of complicated factors ranging from social to biological. If it were as simple as you put it, mental illnesses would be incredibly easy to treat.

I'm not saying that people willingly flip the "resist drive" switch and go oh snap, I no longer feel like living and commit suicide. I'm saying that the phenomenon of suicide for the sole purpose of ending ones life because they no longer wish to exist, is in fact, unique to humans. There are a lot of factors involved here, yes. But at the core, a person ignores the drive to live and ends their life.

Furthermore, none of this complies with the subject of the post.

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Yes indeedy! Our clans/groups are the "Re-populating" aspect to the game, since in real life a lot of people would hope to re-produce to re build our world. So other then that, yes we would kill or be killed.

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