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Come & make your home on server US1313

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We need more players! We need more organized squads. People who do raids. Competition! New players! People of all kinds. Bandits & Survivors. Server is very stable, and hasn't crashed once. It's located in northern FL and hosted by Vilayer. No getting stuck at loading or waiting for character to create. Load in time is practically immediate. We try to keep hacking to as much of a minimum as possible (We always have be-rcon running and are scanning server logs constantly for any scripts executing that shouldn't be and once we associate them with a guid, that guid gets banned immediately. Two have suffered this fate already and they were detected within about 10 minutes, luckily before they killed any unfortunate players).

Also have a strict stance on ALT F4 or Combat logging in general. Do it once, if you come back in.. I'm going to notice and send you a nice little warning over battle-eye global(which everyone can see). Do it a second time, or if you ghost to reposition to kill your attacker, it's perma ban.. I know I could catch flak for that, since it's not on the list of reasons to kick and/or ban but it ruins the enjoyment of the players who call my server their home and that is of the utmost importance to me. If you're killed fairly, I can't help you. If I kill you, I obviously can't help you in that case either :P.

If you're a fair player, who wants a fair experience, come find US1313 and join in on the slaughter. I cannot and will not guarantee your safety at any time :)

Also, very important. If anyone who is already playing on my server notices anything fishy, hacking or otherwise.. I strongly urge you to send me an email at HGCServer@Gmail.com with the persons name(If you can acquire it via looking at the player-list and narrowing it down, the time it happened(as close as possible to the actual time) and a description of what happened, and I will do my best to correct any issues and also send the GUID of that player to DayZ as well so they can add it to the master ban list if they deem necessary.

Server details, for anyone who wants to know ahead of time..


Nametags: OFF

CH: ON (This is subject to change soon)


Waypoints: ON

Seeing yourself on the map: OFF

Tracers: OFF

We have plenty of vehicles to go around now that our instance id(being that it was over 6000) has just received vehicles from the hive(thanks dayz devs for hooking it up) so get hunting! Hope to see you guys there.


Edited by KField86

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(being that it was over 6000)


i'd play on it if I could see myself on the map.

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i'd play on it if I could see myself on the map.

Find a GPS :) Or get a map(At the very least a compass is all that's needed to travel if you use an outside map like dayzdb and read road signs) and hold shift and left click once on the place you'd like to travel to to create a waypoint, which will lead you to the exact position you want to be and tell you how far you must travel to get there. Pretty cool feature. Most people who never played Arma had no idea waypoints existed. These are not the same as the bigger black X map markers that everyone on the server can see where people usually leave notes like "Sniper here" etc. The waypoint only you yourself can see. When you shift & click, it will create a faint circle on the map. When you're done with the waypoint, just mouse over that circle and hit delete on your keyboard and it'll be gone.

I don't like servers that show your position on the map, because then it can also show other peoples positions on the map if you're within a close enough proximity, so even if you haven't seen them, you will know they are there and to me that breaks the immersion. Same thing with nametags, which I have turned off since they defeat the entire purpose of trying to acquire a rangefinder, or having one already. It's also a cheap way to scan an area you're entering by just mousing around looking for any yellow names to pop up. This way, you have to actually use some brain cells. :) (This wasn't an insult at you, btw.)

And like I said, I'm even debating taking crosshairs off the server(3rd person will always stay however, I can't live without it for when I'm traveling, I always go into 1st person for combat situations). The only thing I use them for is for when I have to back pedal and take quick shots at zombies at the same time as I'm trying to escape quickly. If I could sneak around zombies more(This patch is a bit much honestly, with the zombie's visual skills that is.. especially combined with the great gun nerf) and not have to get into a situation where I have to fire from the hip, I'd of taken the X-hairs off already. You don't hip-fire an assault rifle in real life, so if the goal is authenticity, why have it here? Meh. I'll decide soon enough. Depends on what my guys want. But, sorry there's no map location spots for you :(

Edited by KField86

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