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Hey Guys :D Idk about all of you... But I thought the Old Bandit Clothing looked Boss.... Maybe its just me? but I think they should bring back the Bandit Clothing as an item you could randomly find? or Maybe bring back the humanity scale altogether? All i am suggesting is that the Bandit Clothing was a Really unique and cool piece to DayZ. And I would actullay like to wear it Again :))

I hope you guys would Come to agree with me :o I want to see the clothing again once more...Idk where it went :(

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The issue with Humanity, or any measure of intention in this game is that it can't be accurate. There is no simple way for the computer to accurately determine if you're fighting in self defense, or killing people for teh lulz. I have 3 murders on my guy right now, (1 bandit kill) and all 3 were in self defense. They shot at me and I shot back. Am I a bandit to the game now? Because I'm anything but.

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True, What do you think about it just being a piece of bad ass clothing?

Edited by xForgottenSinsx

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For me the more clothing the merrier... I've seen that there are a lot of potential options of civilian and military outfits so viva variety

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Agree I would like to see more clothing options and the bandit skin back as a drop like camo and ghillie

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