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-=SAG=- recuiting, -=SAG=- makeing server :)

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as said^^

We are recuiting AND we will have a server up in about 1-3 days :)

We are already @ 30 members and we work in squads :)

We are a helpfull clan/group/guild/what ever u can call it :)

WE will not accept ppl under 15 years atm..

WE will only have mature ppl.

WE will Help people in trouble if needed :)

to join:

Add me on skype: madsbendix123

Add me on steam: madsfreybendix123

Add me on here or just PM me here on this forums

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- Mads Bendix

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Will not accept anyone under 15 meaning the leader is probably 15 right?

Edited by Chaossound

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I'd like to join. I'm 15 and been playing for about a week.

My steam username is : Leach_JM

I've got an AKM with 4 magazines and a PDW without any ammo.

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we are international-- the server will be located in Germany and will have like 100-150 ping for Americans and like 20-80 for europeans :)

to join clan

Add me on skype : madsbendix123

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PM me :)

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Been playing for a few weeks now, would like to join,

Skype: Dodgefighter

steam id: Dodgefighter

is your server up yet? and name?

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i would like to join as well, i am tired of getting shot the moment i reach a town to run back again for another 20 mins, its frustrating, thankfully i found a safe spot to camp for now

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Are you still recruiting? I meet all requirements. If you are, how do I join? I don't have anything super valuable, I'm just tired of paranoia. I can record gameplay however, so there's that.

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messi , cant wait for server man , keep me posted on exact server start time , as i am in the nw airfeild , i can easily loot some cool stuff for the clan ,

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Hey I've been playing for about a month now and would like to join the group. I'm 26 and from the US. Just let me know what to do to join up with you guys.

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I added you on skype. I meet all requirements. I'm playing for 2 months now and can't wait to finally play in a team.

IGN: Niekstyle

Skype: irun4pk, like i said i did send you an invite already.

Steam: irun4pk

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I messaged you. I meet all of the requirements... let me know

edit: sorry didn't refresh my page

Edited by dpappa

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Would like to join

Age: 20

In game name: Onyx.

Skype: AlexandreC027

Time Zone: Canada / (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

I wanna play with some player friendly no bandit and a good minding. Im mainly playing around midnight for my timezone.

Ps: my first language is french so i have an accent.

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Nice! So the server will be up tomorrow :) Hope i can join a squad and do some cool things.

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