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SexyHair n8o

BattlEye Client Issues

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The problem is resolved.

It seems what it was, was that since I had installed it previously using Six; Six installed Dayz the traditional way. As if steam wasn't involved.

So since I had installed the Dayz mod manually and followed the installation process for steam the freezes no longer occur.

My theory is that since steam kept launching and using an outdated version of ARMA; and Six was launching the game through the beta update means.. Battleye saw a conflict in the two beta patches and created immense net lag for the game out of its confusion.

Or something like that..

Drogur I thank you for taking me through the troubleshooting process and getting this resolved once and for all.

You can have all my beans forever.

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Really though.

All the beans.

And even going as to searching arma forums for me still trying to find the solution. And I will take those threads into consideration. My HDD is getting rather full and I'll keep a close eye on that to make sure it won't cause any future problems.

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You did also good...you shared knowledge...you gave back to this community....

I give you my beans!


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