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SexyHair n8o

BattlEye Client Issues

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So for some reason, every time I try and join a DayZ server, the BattlEye Client has some sort of issue with the version I'm using even though that version is up to date.

It'll initially say that the client has initialized but then after 1-3 seconds it'll come up with two more messages giving the version I'm using and some sort of ID with a bunch of numbers and letters. The reason I find this as a problem is because after the second and third messages pop-up, the server gets insanely laggy for me to the point where it's unplayable. For about three fourths of a second the graphics will run smoothly but then it locks up and freezes for about a second.

Here is the message it displays.

BattlEye Client: Initialized (v1.167)

BattlEye Client: Server requiring client version 1.167. up-to-date

BattlEye Client: Server computed GUID: 7818acd1df274506ba2f9dd4d06e91fe

I've tried updating the BattlEye client by replacing it with the versions from this website. (http://www.battleye.com/download.html) That seems to be what everyone is suggesting in the other threads but nothing different seems to be happening. If anyone has any ideas on how to remedy or even fix this, please reply.

Notes: I'm using a copy of Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from Gamestop and a Steam Demo of Arma II.

Arma II: OA - Gamestop

Arma II Demo - Steam

I've followed the guides very thoroughly to make sure it didn't bug out but apparently not well enough.

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Arma II: OA - Gamestop

Arma II Demo - Steam

Operation Arrowhead was actually a digital download off of the Gamestop Client but I don't see how something like that would affect an anti-cheat.

EDIT: I'm using Six Launcher and Six Updater. Don't know if that'll help with anything though.

Edited by SexyHair n8o

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Did you ever play DayZ right now?

So it´s true its not a clean "Steam" install and it´s not a clean "Retail" install and this is the point maybe. You have 2 different BE installs for 2 different Arma versions.

Buy OA from steam and i think it will work.

Edited by TR!PLE

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I've been trying to play DayZ all day but I'm always getting the same errors. I've followed the guides and started both games in the event that it needed to update or something and got additional updates to make sure they had all the files. And it is a clean install. (Unless you think the people at Gamestop are thrifty people.)

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This is true.

I bought a digital copy of Operation Arrowhead from Gamestop and I'm using the Arma II demo on Steam.

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Okay, so I tried going through that guide and another in a last ditch effort to fix it and nothing seems to have changed. I'm still getting the same error and it still lags when it comes through. I don't know what other options there are.

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Similar issue but using combined ops not 2 seperate downloads...

Anyone got a fix?

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Yep, have combined ops as well (Not separate clients) off steam and it does it for me as well.

What bothers me most is that it was working perfectly fine and then suddenly one day this starts.

Been searching so long for a fix for this and yet there's nothing.

Edited by Sgt.Scoots

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So for some reason, every time I try and join a DayZ server, the BattlEye Client has some sort of issue with the version I'm using even though that version is up to date.

It'll initially say that the client has initialized but then after 1-3 seconds it'll come up with two more messages giving the version I'm using and some sort of ID with a bunch of numbers and letters. The reason I find this as a problem is because after the second and third messages pop-up, the server gets insanely laggy for me to the point where it's unplayable. For about three fourths of a second the graphics will run smoothly but then it locks up and freezes for about a second.

Here is the message it displays.

BattlEye Client: Initialized (v1.167)

BattlEye Client: Server requiring client version 1.167. up-to-date

BattlEye Client: Server computed GUID: 7818acd1df274506ba2f9dd4d06e91fe

I've tried updating the BattlEye client by replacing it with the versions from this website. (http://www.battleye.com/download.html) That seems to be what everyone is suggesting in the other threads but nothing different seems to be happening. If anyone has any ideas on how to remedy or even fix this, please reply.

Notes: I'm using a copy of Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from Gamestop and a Steam Demo of Arma II.

Arma II: OA - Gamestop

Arma II Demo - Steam

I've followed the guides very thoroughly to make sure it didn't bug out but apparently not well enough.

I dont get it...whats your problem?

The messages just states that your client is up to date...

Edited by Drogur

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That's the thing though... I've actually been in game playing for a good 5 minutes while battleye is updating. And then as SOON as that message pops up it starts to do the constant freezes.

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EDIT: Went into Arma2 and the same message popped up; no freezes. Game continued on normally.

Edited by Sgt.Scoots

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So its not a install thing.....So back to Dayz then.....versions.....whats your versions?

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Good...and I presume that its ARMA that tells you what version you are at, and not six or other application....

Not many have this problem as I understand....hard to blame the mod just like that....HDD? when did you a defrag last? long shot yes.....

Network? Tried to bypass router / firewall?

As said...interesting.....

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Hrm.. one moment.

I did notice, however, how when I do play Dayz and launch from either Six Launcher or DayzCommander it shows the right version that I had recently installed. But when I launch Arma2CO from Steam it lists a much earlier build.

Build 95248

I don't ever launch from steam though, I can't join any servers because of a bad version. But I am able to join when launching from Six or Dayzcommander.

I'm going to reiterate and say that I was able to play Dayz for a good while; I've clocked in 40+ hours before all this.

Edited by Sgt.Scoots

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Always let ARMA tell you what he loaded or not...in window before multiplayer, in down right corner.....there it says what version of ARMA you are running and also says what Beta, also says what Dayz file you are using....

Maybe you need to update....

I´m not using Steam either....and I manually update everything.....

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It only shows the wrong update when I launch it with steam, though. If launched by any other means ARMA shows the correct build that I installed myself.

Edited by Sgt.Scoots

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I swear if all of this is because of my inability to update correctly; I'm done with life.

No you are not.....plenty to do.....


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It only shows the wrong update when I launch it with steam, though. If launched by any other means ARMA shows the correct build that I installed myself.

Dont know why Steam is doing that really.....Steam support?

And I presume you are connecting to a server with the same level of versions your client have.

So back to HDD and network.....


Could you try and run Dayz in window mode once....difference?

Edited by Drogur

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Okay, so.

There are no freezes when in windowed...

However I still don't know if it was because I windowed it, or because I actually did the correct way of installing it by using the STEAM installation directions.

Before, I had installed Dayz using Six.

Edited by Sgt.Scoots

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