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Camo Nets

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With the helicopters making a return I think it would be great if we could get camo nets...if you have vehicles in your base camps there going to be easy to spot from the air....thats all folks


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Brilliant idea. We need somthing to cover our camps with, since they just shine through in the forrest. It's so easy to track a vehicle in the forrest with the lowest settings miles away.

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Holly god damn Jesus on a pogo stick! I was thinking of that EXACTLY for the longest time! I'm sure other people have suggested it already though. But, if we keep spamming it, maybe they'll put it in!

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get over it if this idea has been suggested before im not on the forums that much like you no lifers who can stay on the forums all the time and look for things to bitch about...

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I've seen the suggestion before. Actually a lot before... Keep trying but I doubt it'll be implemented.

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get over it if this idea has been suggested before im not on the forums that much like you no lifers who can stay on the forums all the time and look for things to bitch about...


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With the helicopters making a return I think it would be great if we could get camo nets...if you have vehicles in your base camps there going to be easy to spot from the air....thats all folks

Haven't tried a chopper in dayz for a long time, but does the radar still work in them? cause last time they where active all the vehicles where shown on your radar, so it would make the nets kinda useless if it's still working.

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