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Hacker or Extremely skilled group of players. Check out the video. Skip to 1:20.

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This happened in server LU272

EDIT: This happened around 3am GMT

Edited by mann366

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You did not even use the L85 Thermal/NV rifle you were retardedly using to hip shot zombies to look for heat signatures that did not belong to your teamates the moment of the first thrown flare...

So were they hackers?

Probably not.

Were you and your entire group a bunch of retards?


Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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Funny how you have checked the whole 19 minuites of video within 5 minuites. The other two people in my squad were also using the same weapon looking out for people.

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@Bulletproof Sandwich

firstly when you zoom in with the l85 at that close range on a server which you lag on you are more better hipfiring the l85 is a long range purpose weapon not close. im ak btw and its hacker not hackers i checked all angles of the area there where no signs of anyone i know how to use the gun i have had it for some bit now and when i saw a flare come out of thin air with no one around its a bit odd and the fact during the end of the night there was around 40 zombies spawned out of no where soo before calling us retarded check your self before you wreck ya self <3

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I posted on your video as to where he was. You guys failed hard, you didn't look at the building he was in once. As a side note, flares BOUNCE so they can travel up to around 300 yards.. What you thought as "throwing" was actually it bouncing.

Edit: At 18:10 or whatever, when all the zombies go in, they were following the flares inside.

Edited by govnogaming

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He was probably using invis hacks. Every fucken dick head with a wallet seems to be using em now...

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@govo i replied to your youtube comment

i would like to think that however if he was on there the sniper had many times to take me out on the roof also where i was getting shot at was not from there as i was hiding behind a wall and yes i know bullets can go through walls but the shots flew past my head and i was over looking the apartment also the flares at one point where getting thrown from middle apartment and did not look like they where bouncing and i also was using thermal over looking any possible point for a sniper<3

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