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Look for a Group

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As title says, i'm looking for a small group/clan to team up with. My Steam ID is Newports. I have a mic, and im 19. Play everyday after 5:30 PM EST sometime around there.

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My Steam account is the one with anonymous face if you can't find it..

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This is a post I made about the same topic. Is this the style of play you're thinking of? :

Hey all you people,

I'm searching for anyone who want's to team up and take of the island of Cheranus together. My method of play thus far has been sort of the Lawful Neutral approach. I don't kill other survivors unless they take the first shot, but after that, I don't pull my punches. It may change as time goes on however. My one pet peeve though is intentionally hunting survivors. I don't roll with bandits. So if that's how you plan on playing the game, find another group to join. If you are interesting in joining me on my valiant quest of zombie killing, lemme know. You don't have to have a mic, but it is preferred.

Jolly good scavening!

-Gysisco ;)

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Yeah gys, Add me, ID is Newports with the anonymous face . I don't kill other survivors without reason, I'm not going bandit approach because I've just started. Maybe in time, as you said, It will change.

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Alright I'll look you up. My ID is snipingpeppermint. Is yours spelt exactly like that? Caps and everything?

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We need someone with a vent server or some sort of voice communication outside the game..

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Everybody I've played with so far has had their own teamspeak/mumble server. i don't know how to set one up/find one.

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I would also like to join.

I have plenty of food and soda. (About 6 cans of food, 4 cans of soda)

Steam name: ProT x Majestic

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I have mumble but i play the game outside of steam i guess.i all i do is load up day-z commander and i go. if you guys want to team up im down. been playing for about a week but i got some goods. meds and what not if needed. just let me know what is going on. if needed my steam name is hortonsuess. look me up.

Edited by Hortonseuss

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