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How to set up a server?

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I want to set up my own server, I tried doing this via Multiplayer by clicking "New" but I don't understand what I'm doing and I'm not seeing anything that has to do with DayZ.

Can someone help me setting up my own server? (If you have pictures please place them in your post aswell.)

Help much appreciated (:

Edited by Scratchz

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Hello Scratch. The only way to setup your own DayZ server at the moment (and for the foreseeable future aswell) is to

  1. Rent a server trough a Game Server company such as vilayer.
  2. Set it up on a dedicated server.

If you set up your own dedicated server, you need to register at http://support.dayzmod.com and apply for a Instance ID and a Contry Code.

Please also read these threads:

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