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Friend can't see servers than I can + another issue

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So my friend and I are trying to join a server where I have a camp set up. He can't see servers that I can see, and I can't see servers that he can see. Some servers we can both see, but this is very annoying because I have a vehicle, and tons of gear on a server he cannot join. We've tried searching with both the Six Launcher, and ingame.

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I have had this happen with friends as well, sometimes we resolved this through refreshing the in game server listings multiple times over a few minutes. But this doesnt even fix it all the time, it is very aggrivating.

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I have had this happen with friends as well, sometimes we resolved this through refreshing the in game server listings multiple times over a few minutes. But this doesnt even fix it all the time, it is very aggrivating.

So no definite solutions to this? I was thinking my friend's router was the issue since I'm directly connected to my modem. When I add ping/min player filters on my settings, I see 5x more servers than he does. Our pings are the same, so the servers that come up should be the same as well.

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Been having this same issue for days now. It's always a 10 minute debacle trying to find a server all 3-5 of us can see that works and isn't too full/empty.

As to the reasons I can think of, if it isn't a version of 6L, or a server list needing to be refreshed, it has to come down to port/NAT settings maybe, and what servers you can/can't reach. In which case, I'm screwed lol. But I'm hoping there's an easier solution myself.

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Been having this same issue for days now. It's always a 10 minute debacle trying to find a server all 3-5 of us can see that works and isn't too full/empty.

As to the reasons I can think of, if it isn't a version of 6L, or a server list needing to be refreshed, it has to come down to port/NAT settings maybe, and what servers you can/can't reach. In which case, I'm screwed lol. But I'm hoping there's an easier solution myself.

Are there any list of ports that dayz uses? I tried googling and couldn't find any.

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gamespy is currently doing updates and maintenance, sixlauncher have a notice on their website aswell about it.

Seems it's showing certain servers at certain intervals, also read the bohemia website there is a discussion over there in their forums too.

They will fix it, it's not user related more technical at gamespy end.

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