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What a buncha bullshit

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Hey you know what other game was open to the public but was stated to be in Alpha, Minecraft!

Actually you're right Minecraft was offered to public for free, but I wouldn't call that Alpha it doesn't fit the conditions as to what Alpha is. Also keep in mind that Minecraft is a whole lot more simple compared to DayZ to make. O and by the way the developers took Minecraft as far as they could and then went out and found funding for it so they could take Minecraft to next level.

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Actually you're right Minecraft was offered to public for free, but I wouldn't call that Alpha it doesn't fit the conditions as to what Alpha is. Also keep in mind that Minecraft is a whole lot more simple compared to DayZ to make. O and by the way the developers took Minecraft as far as they could and then went out and found funding for it so they could take Minecraft to next level.

Whoa now, so wait a second here Minecraft was more simple to make? Your talking about someone coding a from scratch engine, textures and scripting the ENTIRE game from scratch.

While DayZ is a mod where the engine, textures and scripts are all provided for the modder is more complex?

Notch made his money by simply putting on sale with his own site to fabricate the funding needed. He did that all by himself, no publishers and no marketing.

Rocket can stand to do something similar to Counter Strike did gaining outside support to help his mod and maybe future stand alone title at the rate this mod is gaining momentum. But only time can tell at the moment.

Edited by Vellarain

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Please provide some information on that. I know he is talking to a lot of people but I wasn't aware he was received a grant/loan/payment and or a team, studio or other way to work outside of his own means. Please do inform me.

I'm not going to take time out to do what you can do in your own time.

Read the stickied Rocket threads in this sub-forum

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You are quite incorrect.

Well, he's not totally wrong. The point is, it's an Alpha TEST. An experiment we're lucky to be a part of. I can't really see the point of complaining about a raw idea which potentially could be the best game in history.

Sorry for repost, but I thought I would link something useful since I haven't written anything interesting.

See you in Cherno!

Edited by MASAVA

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I'm not going to take time out to do what you can do in your own time.

Read the stickied Rocket threads in this sub-forum

I'm an ass-hat for trying to bait a moderator.

Edited by Griff

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Whoa now, so wait a second here Minecraft was more simple to make? Your talking about someone coding a from scratch engine, textures and scripting the ENTIRE game from scratch.

While DayZ is a mod where the engine, textures and scripts are all provided for the modder is more complex?

Notch made his money by simply putting on sale with his own site to fabricate the funding needed. He did that all by himself, no publishers and no marketing.

Rocket can stand to do something similar to Counter Strike did gaining outside support to help his mod and maybe future stand alone title at the rate this mod is gaining momentum. But only time can tell at the moment.

Actually yes because Minecraft was done from scratch they were able to build the game from the ground up. However DayZ has to work around the Arma 2 engine. This means figuring out what you can add or work around to make what you want. This means going through those scripts and stuff to design a Mod. DayZ is probably one of the most complicated mods I have ever seen. I can tell you doing so takes a lot of time and is massively more difficult then developing Minecraft.

You're right Notch didn't get a publisher or a developer but then again I never said he did. I said he went out and got funding, which by selling the game he is getting his funding to continue to work on Minecraft. Also just to cover this, that won't work with DayZ. Because DayZ utilize better graphics and more complicated game engine then Minecraft does it will be harder and more people to develop the game to its full capabilities. He can't just bring on a few people and design a title game for DayZ because of the nature of the game.

You're right Rocket could go out and gain Support but he won't because he has to many negative feelings towards publishers and a lot of the Developers out there to do so. Let me be blunt in order to successfully develop DayZ right he needs to have enough money to start is one developing company, and then to publish the game.

DayZ has a lot of great things about it. I think it would make a great MMO but not in it's current form, nor as a Mod. There to many limitations to the Arma 2 Engine, and there will be just as many limitations with Arma 3. Bohemia Interactive did not design Arma 2 nor Arma 3 for DayZ specifically. They designed the game so that mods could be developed but that's the extent of it.

In order for DayZ to be it's own title (which is what it needs to be. Even Rocket as admitted this.) it needs to be designed from the ground up for DayZ specifically. The only way that can happen is if Rocket can get some serious funding. However he will never do this because that means loosen his grip on the game. Mods like Counter Strike and Team Fortress don't even begin to have the complexity that DayZ has.

I'm sorry if that upsets you hardcore players but till Rocket loosens his grip on the game and get some serious funding the game will never be more then what you see in front of you. It might be more polished but eventually he will hit a break wall in which he can't do anything because of the limitations on the Arma 2 engine and it will be no better for Arma 3.

However I'm predicting that DayZ will have a hardcore following but it will eventually fade away as more developers make Zombie MMO's. I think those developers are going rape the crap out of DayZ and will reap the rewards while Rocket doesn't see jack. DayZ will fade in to the background as that cool mod that could have been but never was.

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