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uk120 server Suicide trip :)

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Was bored and wanted to die so i decided to do a lucky dip pick a server with alot on and head to a usual camp spot .

So why did i want to die well was fully geared and i had got attached to my gear.

So i loged in and headed to my goal.Came across a bus hiden in trees wheels shot out.Then close buy found a boat no fuel damn would of made it quicker for me on my quest to die.

As i was getting close i seen a guy run down towards me and bang i was dead as where i was couldn`t use gun hehe.

So when i respawned woo i was a short run from that bus.Got near bus and seen a guy heading to the camp site i was close to.Ijumped in the bus and woo.A DMR and some mags.

Took them and first time using DMR had to shot and adjust my shot watching where it hit.Bang i got him just as he got near the rock.

Looted him got close to fully geared again so headed back to site i was thinking a camp site might be at.Got there and the guy that shot me ran past me shoting up the hill away from me.

Any way i decided to head his way and spotted a nice Heli at camp site.Seen a few more log in and that was my fun run over shot hehe.

thanks uk120 for the fun day trip :)

Edited by warzzz

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