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DayZ Vehicles Spawn W/ Items?

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I was wondering if it was possible for Vehicles to spawn with a few items in them? Because we're trying to figure out weather we encountered somone taking stuff from our camp and leaving behind an ATV with two broken wheels. Or we just encountered a massive tent glitch where server restart deleted all our stuff. Since our camp site is near an ATV spawn it wouldn't surprise me one way or another. Thanks in advanced for anyone who replies.

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Yes they can do, If your lucky they can have wheels etc.

Also are heli's added already?

One per server as of now, new random spawn locations.

Skalisty and Skalka reported so far.

About a third of server admins have locked their servers to secure the helicopters for their friends/clan. Or so it is reported.

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One per server as of now, new random spawn locations.

Skalisty and Skalka reported so far.

About a third of server admins have locked their servers to secure the helicopters for their friends/clan. Or so it is reported.

This is just retarded... basically the server rules don't seem to matter because DayZ devs can't really police the server rules - too many servers, too many people don't give one fuck about the rules. So in practice either you are buddy-buddies with a server admin and can participate in these risk-free farming sessions while the server is locked or all you can do on such a server is to be entertainment for the admin and his buddy-buddies camping with full set of high end toys (with plenty back in very hidden camp, ready to be duped as needed).

So, anyone know good EU servers that actually keep it fair? Also would love to have an ability to blacklist servers from the DayZCommander based on community-based shitlisting (and perhaps a "if server ever appears in locked state on server scan, add it automatically to a shitlist" feature) so I can avoid ending up on such servers. Should such a system work, these cretins would end up sitting on their precious server, hugging their precious shiny things, only to find that nobody ever comes on...

Edited by Jarnis

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