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Helicopters are NOT spawning?

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I've been running around the map for the past 2 hours and have not come across any helicopters. My group has searched the entire Chernarus map and we haven't seen anything but crashed heli sites. I'm good friends with the admin of the server I play on, and he had the server completely offline last night until this morning, giving it a restart to ensure the helicopters would spawn in. So there is absolutely no possible way, anyone could have the chopper already. I realize there is only one available helicopter per server, but we haven't seen anything.

Can the DayZ team confirm that the helicopter has spawned?

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The spawn points are differant than the dayz db map. so it seems it is not limited to open fields either. this chopper I found is in an area with quite alot of trees around

Edited by Chaossound

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I thought I read on the release note Forum page that they were not back yet, but would be on the next patch. It was like on page 5 or something.

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Oh man two hours! That's like the time it would take you to get from like...Elektro to NW! WHOA.

But no seriously, learn to read properly. The announcement stated they wouldn't spawn until all servers are using the new updates.

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You guys are telling me everything I already know. We've checked the known spawns as well as every open field in Chernarus. Do you mind telling me roughly where you found yours? Was it in an open field? Woods? Explain..

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@ Envy, Good for you, you insulted someone, I read that shit the other day. Apologies for "Not recalling EXACTLY what it said."

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Today some guy flew over electro and cherno not giving a fuck almost showing off to me sitting in the fire station.

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It seems like people are finding them NW Corner of map and the SE Corner of the map. I've searched both on my server, still can't find em. :(

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Spawn rate does seem lower, or my lucks run dry.

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