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[EU-22M] Looking for a group to play with or clan

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Hi, title says it - I'm looking for a group or clan to play with on a regular basis.

I live in Berlin, Germany and am 22 years old male - I speak english and german fluently, have a mic and flexible gaming times. I prefer GMT+0-3 (because I like playing at night when it is night - alltho I'm flexible on that) with 3rd-person servers that have a connection time under 3 min if possible.

I'm looking for a semi-casual set of people to play with that work good in groups. I'm adaptable to millitary style gameplay because I used to play Counter Strike in a clan about 6-7 years ago. What I mean by semi-casual is that I want to play in a group, build a camp, get vehicles and do raids and stuff but in a relaxed and planned gaming enviornment without yelling at people just because they slightly did something wrong. I'm even good to go with a distribution of roles.

So if anyone wants to play with or hire me - I'd be happy to commit myself to a group.

Greets, Tingle.

Old post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/50924-looking-for-a-home/

Edited by Tingle
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Im also willing to play in other regions like US if the server connection and connect time is good ( <150 ).

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Still looking, just reply into my thread with your skype name if you're interested. Just got sniped at the airfield so I'm ready for a fresh start.

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hey my Skype name is showyn99 and i am looking for the same things as u i think

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