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How I got my first car...

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So I am running around Elektro minding my own business performing the required duties of my sandbag/barbed wire removal business. It was an overcast day which made it a little easier for me to dodge the zombies, but I had successfully cleared out the hospital, market, and the school when I was headed over to the fire station. I decided that to help out the lone survivor I would just leave the back door unblocked to prevent the bandits that were in Elektro from gaining easy access (I know that this does not preclude them from making long range shots). I cleared out all the sandbags and other barbed wire in the fire house and decided that the church needed checking on, but before I did that , I decided to check the upstairs fire station for equipment but alas there were no upgrades to be had. On my way back down I heard a noise that at first I thought was a weird sounding zombie so I stopped and realized that the sound was constant and getting louder. I look out the window of the third floor and see a car speed past the fire station. Immediately I assume that he is well armed as whenever I see a car I usually die a few minutes later. So I decide to hoof it out of there and make a break for it. I run through the only opening through the fence to the fire station and look to my right and what do I see? A car speeding right for me. I immediately think "OH S***! I'm not going to make it!!" I make it about 3/4 of the way across and my body flies through the air. Somehow miraculously I survive with nothing but a little bit of lost blood and a dislocation (whatever that symbol that is not the broken bone is). I sprint down a side alley and stop behind the church and take some painkillers. As soon as I close my pack I look up and see a car speeding down the alley right for me! I decide to round the corner and head into the church in hope it is not blocked by barbed wire as I had not checked it yet, luckily it was not. Looking around for cover I run behind the podium at the back of the church and hide behind it drawing my Winchester rifle. I lean out and see that the guy, along with a few zombies he has drug with him, has followed me into the building. BANG! The first panic shot misses. BANG! The second shot hits him square in the chest and he drops like a sack of potatoes, but I noticed that I did not get either a murder or a bandit kill. By this time about 10+ zombies had entered the church but were still going for the downed villain. I calmly at this point walk over so that I can see him, but a ways away from the zombies and BANG! Right to the dome and I finish me off my bad guy. Cautiously I walk out and no one shoots at me so I go back behind the church for cover and low-and-behold I see the car just sitting there. It was a UAZ with a 1/2 of a tank and in perfect condition, but still my first car.

Shortly after I died to another player killing me after I killed his friend (I was getting shot at and I mistook his friend for the one shooting at me). But it was fun to cruise around.

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I got my first car when I just spawned, I decided to go onto a populated server for the fuck of it, and then as I spawned in Elektro and ran inwards, some idiot clan left their Military Offroad in the open, so I took it, ran over a survivor trying to kill me, take his M14 AIM and gear. Drive off. Sadly, the Offroad got flipped over from a fucking glitch. So I had to ditch it.

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That sucks Mr-Zero. I've seen flipped cars with no one around, but it always makes me nervous to see a vehicle. I did spend 15 minutes or so in a boat that was in the hills above Elektro once just for the lulz... lol :) My son and I were laughing the whole time.

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The first SIGHT i had of a car: Stary Sobor. Sniper had parked it between 2 blown up cars and was watching it from the warehouse from the southeast. of the tents. Thought it was a trap, we were correct. Sadly we raided the tents and made a break for the barn/warehouse only to get into the snipers path of fire. Sadly, we didn't know he was in the warehouse as we scoped out the entire area for a good 15 minutes before running in and looting the area

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Well i havent gotten a vehicle yet but my first experience of one was of a bus chasing me down and running me over lol

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Haha, I shot at a bus... Once... Never again.. lmao

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Mint story, you can have some beans :P

My first encounter; I was just a noob crawling into Cherno via the docks, suddenly I'm moving sideways across the floor, I thought that I was glitching and I got extremely confused, but I turned around to see a white car driving into me. With that two guys get out and aim their guns at me, I get a little scared and confused as the whole situation was new to me, I had never seen a car nor had I ever seen geared people before. Anywho, the two start to shoot me with their M4s, I panic and press any buttons I can; getting into the passenger seat of the car I just sit there, they must have not noticed and thought that I Alt+F4'd. Both of them jumped in the car and drove off with me in it, they get out to loot a super market and with that I switch myself to the driver's seat and speed off in their car, heading out of Cherno at a steady 30MPH and flying down the road, I turn around to see that they're still chasing me and carry on me way, leaving them in a trail of dust. Unfortunately as I got down the road I fell out of the car, bleeding out on the floor. A minute or so later the two guys run up, again looking at me confused. I decided to rifle through their backpacks stealing their guns purely to annoy them, in the end they quit their toying and decided to execute me. Many laughs were had that day, I was pissing myself as I drove away.

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That' crazy. Me and my buddy just killed a guy in the church who had a bus..

But the exact same thing happened. Zombies bum rushed the church, so we had to kill the random. Right?

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Mint story, you can have some beans :P

My first encounter; I was just a noob crawling into Cherno via the docks, suddenly I'm moving sideways across the floor, I thought that I was glitching and I got extremely confused, but I turned around to see a white car driving into me. With that two guys get out and aim their guns at me, I get a little scared and confused as the whole situation was new to me, I had never seen a car nor had I ever seen geared people before. Anywho, the two start to shoot me with their M4s, I panic and press any buttons I can; getting into the passenger seat of the car I just sit there, they must have not noticed and thought that I Alt+F4'd. Both of them jumped in the car and drove off with me in it, they get out to loot a super market and with that I switch myself to the driver's seat and speed off in their car, heading out of Cherno at a steady 30MPH and flying down the road, I turn around to see that they're still chasing me and carry on me way, leaving them in a trail of dust. Unfortunately as I got down the road I fell out of the car, bleeding out on the floor. A minute or so later the two guys run up, again looking at me confused. I decided to rifle through their backpacks stealing their guns purely to annoy them, in the end they quit their toying and decided to execute me. Many laughs were had that day, I was pissing myself as I drove away.

Even better story, take my beans good sir.

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